How Do I 2 questions

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by shenberry, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. shenberry

    shenberry New Member

    2 questions

    I know if this is supposed to be real life base game, they have to have an answering machine available somewhere i have searched a lot of mods but never found one . A sim keeps calling my at 19:00 o'clock an hour after i go to work and i have no idea who it is an answering machine would help out a lot.

    I want to marry or at least be engaged to more than one female, i know someone has figured this one out care to share, please? Are at least tell me how i can flirt with two sims that or in love with me and not get slapped. It is very hard every time i go out another sim flirts with me and i keep getting busted so not cool.
  2. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    (Unless you're looking for a mod/hack...of which I know nothing about since I never use mods or hacks) Your sim can't be engaged or married to two sims at the same time.
    They can however fall in love with several sims at the same time. You just have to avoid bumping into any of the sims other loves. Best way to do that is to take them on dates at the sims house instead of down town or to community lots. You shouldn't have a problem, especially if the sim lives alone (not with a wife or husband). Of course the more loves they have the harder it is to maintain.

    As for the phones. Just ignore them. You don't even need to answer them if you don't want to. The people always call back and they never tell your sims anything they just chat or ask them why they haven't called and then hang up. The phone is only important to keep your sims relationship up with their friends (and for making new ones). Apart from that it's just a pain in the butt.
    So if the phone rings while your sim is at work, just forget about it. It's not important. :)

  3. shenberry

    shenberry New Member

    Great yes it is a pain in the butt, I just can't deny the sim when she calls and wants to go out with her casual group and i always wind up getting busted lol. The sim i was engaged to i told yes to invite her friend over and bam two seconds later engagement over cause the other sim kiss me lol.

    So is there away i can go to another sims house for a date or can i only have it at my house?

    How do all of those sims fit into a sports car never understood that one lol.
  4. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    No idea how they all fit into the cars. LOL I had a family of 8 sims fit into the little hatchback. LOL Boggles my mind. Hehehe

    If the sim your original sim is dating is one of the controlable sims (ie: at another house in the neighbourhood that you can go to and play) you can actually get them to bring the original sim over to their house to date.

    However, if the sim your sim is trying to date is a townie or an NPC the only places you can go for dates are either your sims house or a community lot.

    By the way...sims couldn't care less if they accept an invitation to go to a community lot or not. Makes no difference to them denying them. ;) It's fun.


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