4 EPs Down, 3 to Go?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by JohnEZ, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    4 EPs Down, 3 to Go?

    Hi all,

    Disclaimer: I have no inside information. I don't know if it will even happen. Whatever I say in this thread is formed from my own opinions and/or experiences and/or observations, and do not necessarily reflect those of Maxis, EA Games, or any other software corporation.

    Now that the disclaimer mumbo jumbo is out of the way, if I recall correctly... The Sims had 7 expansions over 4 years. If you go by past precedent, that means we're roughly halfway through the "life cycle" of The Sims 2, since the fourth has (sort of) been announced. When's that supposed to be released, BTW?

    Does this mean we should expect to see something on The Sims 3 at E3 next year? :p Or do you think EA may begin thinking they have begun to "exhaust" resources with the Sims franchise?

    Haha, just wondering. Please don't take that to heart, because I have no idea. It's just thinking out loud, speculation if you will... and a little bit of curiosity and interest, of course. :D

  2. caduto

    caduto New Member

    i think if they put weather in one of the expansion packs for sims 2 then what would be the point of sims 3??
    there isnt a huge amount more than can be done, its already 3d, already have generations and the ability to add generations with expansion packs.
    i would imagine sims 3 will be a long way off.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I kind of don't want them to start a TS3...I mean, I've already spent so much money on TS1 and it's expansions as well as TS2. Besides, I don't think we have the technology as of yet to make another simulation game that was as crazily improved from TS2 as it was from TS1. I'm certainly not going to pay another $50 for an entirely new game that's only enhanced graphics-wise with some extra interactions, or even the addition of weather, because it would mean giving up TS2 in the process...as well as all the money I invested in it. :rolleyes:
  5. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    While I'd be kind of eager for it, I don't really know just what they could do with it. :p

  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I agree with 123. My computer's already protesting what I've got installed. I think I'm going to have to upgrade just to get pets.

    But technology aside, I would hope that Sims 3 might have a better, less buggy game engine and be able to include such things as weather, varying body types for sims, and more realistic interactions.

    But it's OK if they want to wait five years. I like my Sims 2 just fine.
  7. MoreStainedPaper

    MoreStainedPaper New Member

    With the rate of technological advances, especially in computer graphics and gaming, I think that TS3 will probably be a while down the road and will incorporate factors we haven't fully developed yet. I'm hoping that if they do release TS3 it will incorporate physics like Half Life 2 and maybe some of the universe-wide aspects of Spore (thank you Will Wright, you cunning, cunning madman). But I'm sure that in the next sims generation there will be plenty of new features that will make it worth it. In the meantime, I'm excited for Pets and Spore.

    I've always wanted weather though, so I hope they can find a way to bring that in soon. I've always felt that it would make the gameplay more interesting. Maybe that's just me. And then in the neighborhoods you could specify climate and whatnot. Anyways, enough of my divergent ramblings, my kittens are trying to pounce on my fingers, but they aren't too successful seeing as 3 week old kittens don't have great coordination or eyesight. :D
  8. djrules5454

    djrules5454 Wiivolutionary

    In five years, SimCity 5 will most likely have been released, Spore 2 would be well on the way, The Sims 3 would be knocking on Maxis' door labeled: "To-Be-Released," and TS2 will probably have at least 5 more expansions!:D

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