About downloading

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jakethedane, May 2, 2006.

  1. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    About downloading

    Now I know this question has been posted millions of times. I even know HOW to do it. But know after I reinstalled all my games, I dont have a downloads folder under C: My documents\EaGames\whatever its called. Do I just make a new folder called "downloads"?
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yes, that should work. Put one item in it and check in the game to make sure it does.
  3. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Ok, Ill try that.
    I guess I thought that the downloads folder provided by EAGames, had a distinct path to the game, and if I just add a new one, that path wouldnt exist.
    But if you say so!
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yes the Downloads folder is not created by the installation of the game it is generally created by custom content but may be created manually in Windows Explorer by the usual Windows new folder creation methods.

    Note. The folder name should be: Downloads

    \My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\

    Omit the capital and (supposedly) it will not work.

    Another way to create a Downloads folder is to double click a Sims2Pack file (eg one that you have downloaded from the exchange) that is NOT a packaged lot (packaged lots go into a different folder ...

    \My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\PackagedLots\ :rolleyes: )

    The game utility: The Sims 2 Body Shop Package Installer:

    in: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\CSBin\

    is (or should be) associated with .Sims2Pack files and will automatically open and it will create a Downloads folder, if one doesn't exist, without asking, or informing, the user. The Package Installer does ask you if you do want to install the custom content, however ... :rolleyes:
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, I'll be...

    I wondered where my Downloads folder came from, since I didn't add it myself. Learn something new every time I log in. :eek:
  6. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    As young Anakin Skywalker cried out during the pod race competetion in "The Phantom Menace": Its working! Its working!

    Thanks guys.

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