Age job changes. Do teens have a cap level for a job, like a teen can only be level 2 job at max? Or will adults going to old men cause them to lose their sports/ miliatary job.
I thought that the jobs for teens and elderly were different from the regular adult age span jobs. I don't know anything about a sports or military award.
Teen jobs I suspect that they will handle it that teens (and possibly elders) will be able to have the jobs which are at the low end of the careers. (Heaven only knows this is how it works in real life.) Somewhere I read that the jobs that a teen has can have an effect on their life. It would make sense that a teen could get a "leg up" on a job by working on the "bottom rung of the corporate ladder." I wouldn't be at all surprised if elders had "mandatory retirement" from all of the careers, not just the military or athletic/sports careers. Somewhere I read that they get pensions. That often comes with "mandatory retirement."
I wonder if your sims spin around to turn from adults into elders, and lose their jobs automatically, or maybe they automatically change to a career for the elderly that's based on whatever their career was before they retired? Like maybe the sports career sim would retire to coach Little League....
One little question. How will age change? The baby stranding up to be a toddler I could understand but how will the grow up process take place? In their sleep?
I'm wondering about that more now, they haven't really shown or said anything about how the kid changes to teen, or teen to adult, or adult to elderly... Maybe we can add it to the list of questions we'd like answered!!
There is a... movie to show the change.... they have b-day parties.... and when they go up to the cake or something.... they like do a little twist... and poof....
Each age group has a different set of jobs. I can't remember where i read that. But it makes sense doesn't it.
I wonder if the teens can get babysitting jobs, and if they can, I wonder if I can have my families with babies and toddlers actually HIRE them!
I like how you can get the crappy "McJobs" for teens, like convenience store clerk or fast food worker . It adds a nice touch of realism. At least I think it's nice .