Ahh! Scared!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by kellie, Aug 3, 2003.

  1. kellie

    kellie New Member

    Ahh! Scared!

    Ahhh the province I live in, called British COlumbia, is now in a "state of emergency," isn't that comforting? I guess since i'ts been so hot and we have had absolutely No rain, all these forest fires broke out like pretty near my town. Thousands of people have evacuated whole cities, and our internet was down all yesterday and this morning because the cable burned or something. I really hope it doesn't spread here, but it's in our area of the province and is spreading reeally fast. Ahhh! And I feel so terrible for the people whose houses burnt right down. A whole city burned down! The emergency shelters are overflowing, and it's kind of scary. And the smoke is really gross and thick and stinky. :(
  2. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    that is scarry kel!
  3. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I know. :eek: When I went to B.C. two weeks ago it looked like a desert in some areas. It was pretty shocking to see it that dry considering it's normally a lot wetter there.
    In one area there was an actual forest fire so that was not good at all. I'm just hoping that you guys get a lot of rain to pull yourselves out of that state of alertness, and end some of those forest fires.
  4. timz2rules

    timz2rules New Member

    wow, that is really scarry...its starting to be like that too...

    hope you're safe kellie!
  5. kellie

    kellie New Member

    I'm sure I will be, but yeah. I feel sorry for the guys who lost their homes.
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    wow I hope the fire didn't get too close to you kellie.
  7. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    ooo did you get any marshmellows?!
  8. kellie

    kellie New Member

    Not exactly the funniest joke you have ever told bry, lol
  9. timz2rules

    timz2rules New Member

    well! you can't have a campfire without them thar marshmallows!

    . o 0 ( thar? :confused: )
  10. kellie

    kellie New Member

    Well, hello. I am back on this thread again, because the fire I wrote about earlier is out, but there is a new one and it is the biggest one in the history of British Columbia ever. At the high school, there's like all these military people camped out. 700 troops or something to help put this dang fire out, while like 3000 from my town are evacuated along with one whole other town and part of another one. We woke up to find our cars covered in ashes, and they are billoting evacuees out to our houses. And! The air is grrross! It's so smoky the sun can't get through, and the green street lights look blue from the haze. It's truly gross. Apart form this fire, there are now 900 forest fires burning in British Columbia, so firefighters are scarce. Let's just say the province is now and officially on fire.
  11. timz2rules

    timz2rules New Member

    the fires need to go away...
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Don't you just wish Timz that your hundred year storm occured in British Columbia? :D
  13. kellie

    kellie New Member

    Flood in LV, Drought and forest fires in BC. That's kind of ironic.
  14. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Wondering if it can get any more ironic...
  15. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Here's a picture of the fire at Kelowna. Very scary. :(
    As you can see from the date it was only taken a few days ago.
  16. kellie

    kellie New Member

    Yeah, and you could practically see that from my deck. The update today is the winds are worse, and that fire is getting way worse. Our town set the record for highest number of people having to be evacuated in the least time. Like 203 houses burned down last night, but besides all of this, ANOTHING fire has broken out on another side of town. Like we have firefighters to spare? They have all the physologists trying to help the fighters, and they haven't slept in like a week.
  17. kellie

    kellie New Member

    And by the way, we just got an evacuation alert. But they seem to have the new fire contained so far, so we're okay and safe to stay. Yay!
  18. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Hey Kel...it's my first time posting in 2 months and here is something from my part of the world!! These fires in the Okanagan Valley are really scary and don't seem to be dying down. You probably know this website www.castanet.net but for those from far away they have some incredible photos and stories about this terrible situation... My family had just got home from a vacation in Kelowna when we heard about the fire outbreak and passed home to good old Alberta just before the fires broke out in the Crowsnest Pass near Blairmore, etc. Good timing for us, bad timing for BC. and western Alberta. Hang in there...i'm praying for BC to get a REALLY GOOD RAINSTORM!!!
  19. kellie

    kellie New Member

    Yeah me too, thank bookworm. And yeah, castanet.net is our town's homepage, and they have all the pictures and stuff. Luckily we were not evacuated, and the fires seem to be better today!
  20. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I hope they can fight off the fires and you don't have to evacuate Kellie!! But be ready just in case!!

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