Amphibians what about creatures that live in the sea and on land could that be a possible feature in the game? (ohh and the same thing for vehicles)
Or having an underwater civilization that can also have vehicles that can go on land, or vice versa of course so you can destroy those underwater hidden cities.
Amphibians are, as far as I know, in. I am not completely 100% sure, but I'm pretty certain Will said you could.
Yeah, that would be awsome. I hope we can, I know you can have entirely underwater civilisations but I'm not sure about these. I think the vehicles will probably be able to do this.
Think of giant squid things rising up from the water and then moving slowly towards a city. :shocked:
H.G. Wells must be the most celebrated and adored crappy writer of all time. Enough of him though. Amphibians, amphibians, amphibians.
I want to go to a planet, and use the UFO's tractor beam to pull a comet into the planet to make it completely water (like on the Will & Robin demo). Then, it would be cool to make a whole underwater civilisation and hopefully - if the water's dark enough - it can be a secret planet with advanced technology. :laughing2:
Bump city. But I'll revel in it while it's up here. Anyway, I would rather like my bonkywop race to be partially aquatic, seeing as the real pretend ones could always swim, and dive and the like, without ever even drowning. They never bothered with the whole underwater civilization shebang though, far too attached to land for all that. I want totally amphibious beings at some point though. The bottom of the ocean always looks rather fun with all the darkness and mysteriousness.
I would make a crocodile creature (like the one in the Spore 36min Demo but with 4 legs)that can ambush prey in water then drag it into the water, then all blood would rise :laughing2:
lol, welcome carlos! I think I would make a toad/frog like critter except he would be 5 times as big, have teeth and fur.