
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lynet, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member


    My husband and I are going to Amsterdam the last week of April. My son is still there and we will visit him if he gets some time away from his work. We'll at least treat him to dinner. I'm so excited. But all I've got are the plane tickets. I still have to find a hotel and figure out what sights we can see in 5 days.
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    For sights to see, you might want to bug Resie or ChEeTaH. Both are Dutch and live around Amsterdam :)
  3. Resie

    Resie New Member

    Near Amsterdam? Are you kidding? Lol

    The Netherlands is a small country. i am living in Maastricht, which is the very south. Groningen is the very north and Amsterdam is a bit below the middle. To give you an idea: it takes me 2 hours by train to go from Maastricht to Amsterdam.
    Of course this means that you could visit any part of the country for a day, departing from Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam is definately worth a visit. Go visit the Anne frank house (where Anne Frank was hiding during World war 2 and wrote her world famous diary), the Van Gogh museum, and walk around the city and taste that atmosphere. Amsterdam is a city of different trends and of many different influences. The Red Light District is famous, and many people visit it just to be able to say they have seen it! Hollandb and especially Amsterdam is also famous for its coffee shops. You'll find out why... And of course, the best way to travel in Amsterdam is by metro.

    Maastricht is great too. It's great just to walk in the monumental centre of this city. The old centre of Maastricht is like a museum; Beautiful buildings, lots of monuments and just a very nice place to walk around. Remember to bring comfortable shoes though... Maastricht is the place where 3 countries come together: Belgium and Germany are just around the corner! go visit the Vrijthof and have a drink in one of the caf's. Visit the Onze Lieve Vrouwenplein and light a candle for the holy Virgin.

    Those are the two cities that came into my mind. The following attractions are very interesting too:
    - De Keukenhof in Lisse. De Keukenhof is the place where you can see fields and fields of tulips. Depends on the season though. Any tourist who has been there would recommend it!
    - De Kaasmarkt (the cheese market) in Alkmaar. It's every friday morning and quite a sight to see!
    - Madurodam in Den haag. Holland in miniature. A must see! it's where all people feel like giants!
    - Apenheul in Apeldoorn. It's where monkeys live in a natural environment. Some types of monkeys are ranging among visitors. Meet monkeys like you never met them before!

    Of course, if you feel like going abroad, it's very well possible to do that too from the Netherlands. I would recommend Antwerpen (=Antwerp) for belgium, and Kln (=Cologne) for Germany.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Wow, Resie. Thank you a lot. I've been in Ireland a couple of times and it took 2 to go from Galway to Dublin by train. I loved it. I would especially like to see the Van Gogh museum and the Anne Frank house. And it sounds like we can get beyond Amsterdam and see more of the country without too much trouble. :)

    Thank you, too, Josh. Resie replied so quickly. I'm guessing you helped with that.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh you'll love Amsterdam Lynet. Its one of the few cities I would actually like to live in. But I stayed away from those coffee shops ... oh yes and the mayo is for putting on your fries BTW :p
  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    The Van Gogh museum is wondeeeeeeerfulllllllllllll..... The Riks museum Sorryabout the spelling) has some real gems in it. It's been 20 plus years since I had the chance to go... we stayed in a bed and breakfast I have no idea where in the city. just that we weren't there long enough.
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm so jealous! Have fun.

    It's been way too long since I went to Europe. See some sights for me! :p
  8. Resie

    Resie New Member

    Yes, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is worth a visit too.
    Lynet, I even created a new account to be able to answer to this topic. My old one accidentally got deleted!:)
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well I certainly appreciate that, although I think anyone who doesn't have an account is missing out on lots of other things. Like all the pictures I post :p (Just kidding, Josh ;) ) I'd rejoin if my account were accidently deleted, too.

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