any ideas i have completly destroyed my sims

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by newsim2owner, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. newsim2owner

    newsim2owner New Member

    any ideas i have completly destroyed my sims

    i have no expanions ! (I'morking on it, my mom hateswhen i waste my money i repeat (MY money) well any ways my sims have reached 10th generation and my sim timmy married his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-aunt ellie (as you should assume ive used cheats) well anyways i have killed over 300 sims had sims that have had 23 kids all killed. HELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELP
    well .... i wont go into details..... just need tips i have thought that maybe if i delete everthing create one town start out with 2 familys in one house and go from there. maybe......
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I have no idea what you're asking for.

    It doesn't sound like your sims are destroyed to me.

    (One "help" is sufficient, BTW.)

    Please rephrase your question and maybe someone can help you.
  3. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, first, some punctuation might help. I don't understand how 5 years of education of grammar and spelling can be wiped out by just going on the Internet.

    Second of all, it just sounds to me that you just need more experience playing the game.

    If you want to make a fresh start, I think you should just delete your whole The Sims 2 folder. I think that, when you do that, the game puts in the files that come with it automatically. I think. Actually, don't do it. Ask someone else. I wouldn't trust me if I were you.
  4. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Anne, it's easier for us to help when you tell us exactly what the problem is. How did you "kill" these sims? You mention cheats. Are you using the testing cheats over and over to murder off these sims?
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    123 is correct. If you just want to start over with the game as though it was brand new out of the box and just installed ... just go to

    My Documents\EA Games\ and delete the folder labelled The Sims 2 This will remove all the sims you have created and undo all the changes you made to the sims that come with the game. The next time you start the game, it will take a few minutes to load because it'll be remaking the default neighborhoods. (CAUTION: You should be prepared to insert the original The Sims 2 game disc(s) during that procedure :rolleyes:)
  6. newsim2owner

    newsim2owner New Member

    sorta... well i fulfill my sims wants and if she or he wants to have 10 kids than i have her or him get pregant every 3 days until she is i day awy from bieng elder than i reset age kill the 5 kids and have 5 more but some times these cheats get out of control and sims start disapearing and blahblahblah. and about puncuation im horrible and it takes forever to type if worry about that stuff its not like im bieng graded or anything i do have staight a`s (1 c but hey its because i couldnt hand in 1 150 point assignment ) but to me grammar and puncuation aint important :)
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Your are NOT serious. I hope, I PRAY you are NOT serious. Communication IS extremely important and you need grammar and punctuation in order to do that. Didn't you notice that people who wanted to help you couldn't figure out what you were asking for? How can anyone help if you can't be bothered to communicate, and that means using proper grammar and punctuation. :( Like Person, I get a little upset when people demand help but can't be bothered to use understandable English.
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I think it was newsim2owner's last "sentence" (quoted in my post) that tipped me over the edge. I'd better stop here before I get all riled up again. :(
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Well, it's very simple, newtosims. Either use proper punctuation and passable grammar and take the time to think about what you want to say rather than just spewing it ... or get used to no one answering your questions.
  11. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Let me see if I can do an edited version of Anne Marie's last post and see if it makes any more sense. Anne, I hope your mother or teacher's do not know that you don't care about how you type: It makes you look uneducated, and I know they would not be proud.

    Okay, her last post was:
    sorta... well i fulfill my sims wants and if she or he wants to have 10 kids than i have her or him get pregant every 3 days until she is i day awy from bieng elder than i reset age kill the 5 kids and have 5 more but some times these cheats get out of control and sims start disapearing and blahblahblah. and about puncuation im horrible and it takes forever to type if worry about that stuff its not like im bieng graded or anything i do have staight a`s (1 c but hey its because i couldnt hand in 1 150 point assignment ) but to me grammar and puncuation aint important :)

    Re-written by me, it says:
    Sorta. Well, I fulfill my sims wants. If she wants to have 10 kids than I have her get pregant every 3 days until she is one day away from being an elder. Then I reset her age, kill the 5 kids and have 5 more. But, some times these cheats get out of control and sims start disapearing and blahblahblah.

    And about punctuation, I'm horrible. And, it takes forever to type if I worry about that stuff. It's not like i'm being graded or anything! I do have staight A`s (1 C but hey, it's because I couldn't hand in 1 150 point assignment ) but to me grammar and punctuation are not that important. :)
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm fairly forgiving of grammatical errors but I need punctuation and I don't answer incomprehensible questions. I just don't have that much patience.

    Good for you that you do.

    I never have a problem with anything you post, Kristal, or most people on this site. You make your point clear, and you're a good storyteller besides.
  13. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    1. Don't kill your kids off. Send them somewhere else or something reasonable. Heck, even have them be taken away by the Social Worker so that someone else can adopt them. Killing them off is inhumane, even by Sims standards. That and the game does not recognize child deaths since starvation/neglect is punished by the Social Worker taking the kids away. Or have them stay at home by themselves without a nanny. Worked for me. Accidentallly. :rolleyes:

    2. Use the Elixir of Life. Turn those biological clocks back temporarily. Have both the father and the mother use it at the same time. Lock that 10 kids want. Raise those kids and you'll probably get the 10 kids want fulfilled. Though I've never done it before with the 5 other kids dead/taken away, so...:eek:

    3. Easiest thing to do is to take it easy and let the game run its course. It's surprising to see how fast those 5 kids grow up. Once the first few grow up to adults, you can move them out and have more kids. Patience and taking it gradually is the key. That's how my one family was able to raise 6 kids. :)

    As for fixing the "damage" you've already done, I sorta think you might wanna start that family over again and try #3.

    And yes, I can understand WTH she's saying because I've forumed on a gaming message board for almost 3 years. The newbies always (well, not always but some) have god-awful grammar. :eek: I love English, I want to major in Communications, and I think proper English skills are important in life. To say that they're not is atrocious, even if you are joking and even if this is the Internet. -_-
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yeah...I'm hoping you can imagine the big gasp of shock when I read newsim2owner's last sentence. You may not care about spelling and grammar, but the rest of the world does.

    Also, try not to use testing cheats. That's not the way to properly fulfill the 10 kids want, and it sorta defeats the purpose of playing the game. What fun is Sims 2 if you just type some stuff, and badda-bing, all your dreams come true?

    Wow, we really all jumped all over her about this. Sorry. :eek: You just can't say things like that at a forum full of adults, and weird grammar & spelling freaks like me.
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Big surprise coming up from this wrinkly old guardian of my mother tongue. I couldn't agree with you more, newsims2owner. :D

    However I also agree with the grammar police. Shucks, am I trying to have it both ways? Not a bit of it. You are free to write and express yourself however you want. Most of us live in a free country, after all. But when you need to ask for help it is essential to take some care with how you ask. This includes asking for help with your voice as much as it does with pen or keyboard.

    When you ask for help, you are relying on the goodwill of someone you may not know very well. You wouldn't expect a complete stranger to help you carry a bulky package if you just snarled, "Oi, you! Givvussahandwillya". It's rude and you'd not be surprised to be ignored. The same applies everywhere. You get back in help what you put in in effort to ask for it.

    If punctuation and capitals and proper grammar is too much effort, how come you found the patience to say help so many times? Even copy and paste requires more effort than a right-pinkie hitting a comma or period now and then.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I have since checked up on newsim2owner's profile and think I may have been a little harsh with someone of that age group. Lots yet to learn about life when you're 11 years old, I guess. :rolleyes:

    I apologize Newsim if I came down on you too hard and I hope you continue to post, ask questions, and learn. I hate to think I might have driven you away from this fine, fine forum. :eek:

    But as you can see from the other comments, the best way to ask questions that people can understand and help you with is to use punctuation and a reasonable amount of good grammar. As an A student this should be easy for you.
  17. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    *raises eyebrow* I'm twelve.

    Then again, when I first joined the forum I didn't use proper capitalization, but that's not as important as grammar and spelling in my opinion.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :footinmouth: << me. Person, I can't see you and I forget how old you.

    Lesson learned: generalizations are very bad. :blockhead:

    That reminds me--my daughter will be 30 in a few days. How she was at 11 or 12 is hard to remember, except I think she was a whole lot smarter than she was when she was 16. :p And that is a comment specific to my daughter and not a general statement about 16 year olds.

  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Gotta be careful!

    I hope we haven't scared "newtosims" away, either, but the fact is, life has rules. If you choose to ignore them there are consequences.

    For example, if you decide to pierce every part of your face and wear your hair in a big pink mohawk, don't expect to get that corporate internship.

    And if you don't use at least passable English (or whatever language the people around you speak) don't expect them to always understand you.

    Person 123, you are old beyond your years, and give the rest of us a high expectation of what a 12 year old should know, which perhaps isn't fair to the rest of the younguns out there.

    But the fact remains that a period once in a while won't kill anyone. And may possibly help you get into college someday.
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Wossup widdya, Lyn, you trine to get t'other foot in there as well, gal? :p

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