Anyone Know Where To Get Game Hacks? Ok this is for The Sims 2. I am looking for The Sims 2 Game Hacks. These are objects that increase your stats like The Sims had and that is what I am kinda looking for if anyone knows where to go please reply or even new cheat codes will work also thanks much
Our biggest challenge right now is to even OPEN the .package files. Regretfully until we learn how to even open them, and learn how the objects work, there isn't going to be many custom content objects until much later on.
I could try to help I am a good game hacker, I mean I had the first cheat codes out there, I help to hack codes for their games. I own a lot of games and I have my own website for cheat codes, But I can't find any main codes to increase your stats for The Sims 2. I mean when I opened up the SCUS file there is not really much there. I will keep tryin and when I find some info out I will be sure to let you guys all know but I am looking for Items or even if someone is more smarter then me tell me cheat codes:chinese:
Well I can certainly tell you right now there are a few codes missing...and its there somewhere...just gotta find it.
I wonder if EA is engaged in a competition with ID (other than the strictly comnmercial one). Doom 3 gamers had dozens of game mods out within a couple of days of the game's release. I can imagine the Maxoids in the their studio making rude gestures in ID's direction and going: "nah-nah na-nah naaa!"
Hacks: Censor (Blur) Game Patch I found this a few hours ago and have been testing my game ever since. No guarantees from me except to say that it works exactly as expected. It has not harmed the game. It was very quick and easy to download and install. FOR SAFETY I DID THIS: Place the unzipped download in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSBin and double click it to run it When it runs you will see a button labelled: "Patch" Click it. Done If the patch causes any problems just replace C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSBin with the copy of the original that stored on your desktop and you're back to normal. The blur annoys me because it is so prissily inifantile.
well I want game hacks that increase stats make the moods better stuff like that, if anyone out there can find this stuff please reply
Ranger, it's going to be quite a while before you see any hacked objects in the game. All the object designers out there are champing at the bit as it is just to start making new furniture, decorations, etc. for this game. It's still new and all they've had available to date is Body Shop and as you have probably noticed on all the fan sites, only clothing/makeup and such are available. I haven't seen anything on any site yet where people have been able to start making objects. Once they can do that, THEN they will be able to figure the code to actually hack them. I don't think this will be something that can happen in a short period of time. I don't pretend to be an object maker or programmer, but I'm aware of the painstaking work that goes into coding for games. Be patient. We all want the same thing, believe me.
Hacked objects Yeah. I remember how long it took for custom objects to be available for the original sims. But hopefully some of our veteran Sims crackers will be able to bust this baby wide open and get us some custom objects soon.
Once they figure how to start taking stuff apart to see how it's made, I figure making hacked/cloned versions of some of the aspiration reward objects will be the easiest way to make hacked objects that raise your needs to full etc. It's this starting out time when no one knows how to open files to copy and alter the objects that we'll just have to be patient about. I really hope Maxis comes out with it's own cloning/modifying program for users to play with!
You can edit .package files in a hex editor i think.. i used a hex editor to find out which character is bella goth.. that was fun.
Well trying to get it unlock is the challenge. I wonder if we can convert the .package files into .zip or .far files and then send it back so we can use them.
I'm certainly looking forward to youall getting that all "unlocked". I *really* miss my Magic Mirror! These guys just want to sleep when I want them awake and be awake (and getting tired) too close to when they need to be awake. It's a pain!