Argh!! Dumb Ftp!! ARGH! I have been sitting infront of my computerscreen for about one hour. I've been transferring my website to my new site: Very nice host! Well, all this time I used on the dumb FTP program. It wouldn't work very well. But it's worth it. Don't you think? Please take a look at my new menu! (may be be working perfectly yet!rolleyes: -Anne (Anne's Sims)
Thank you!! Please write an e-mail if you have any requests for wallpaper. floor, skins and so on... -Anne.
thank you! hey I just made Sarah Michelle Geller and a new David Beckham. Skins will be uploaded soon. Nice to hear from you guys! -Anne.
I've found when you use the perfect FTP program, things go smoothly I highly recommend WS_FTP Pro with 128bit encryption.
thanks. I have used different FTP programs. I'm using WS_FTP Pro right now. I like it. But I just don't want to pay for the full version.
128 bit encryption haha *cough* josh ftp doesn't support encryption the protocol stack can only handle ascii at best so passwords etc are sent in a txt file unless you're talking about sftp (guess what the s stands for) :chuckle:
Dunno luke...but it offers the encryption feature. I think it might be for SSH feature inside WS_FTP Pro. And nans...well worth it I pay for the upgrades and stuff and don't really have any regrets...except my wallet seems to regret itself every so often...
oh well I don't know. There are also many free FTP programs out there, so I may be using them in the first place. Thanks for your advice