Baby Editor Will you be able to edit the appearance of the baby animals, because the adult form looks different besides the size, or will the PC analyze the differences. On the demo when the baby roared it sounded higher pitch than the deep pitch adult voice.
Yeah, I think the voice of the babies is higher than the adults. But on the demo, and in the release game most likely, when you mouse over the eggs, there's a little plus sign. When you click, you go back into the creature editor and you can 'buy' new parts for your creature. Then you can change it however you want. Then when the baby is born, it has evolved. The weird thing is, the adults look the same way (in the demo atleast).
yeah that's because your creature has evolved over millions of years, which is logical because you don't evolve over a single generation
Given current information, no. The baby is just a characterized version of the adult as per the game mechanics. Will said during one video, if you wish I can track it down for you, that the babies would be slightly differnt than thier parents, i.e. a larger head - but as they grow up they become adults.