
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Imani, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. Imani

    Imani New Member


    This doesn't really go under troubleshooting or 'How do I' so I guess this is the best place, unless someone says otherwise ^_^

    Now that I got my neighbourhood back, I want to start backing up files in case something like this happens again. So some questions:

    1. What files/folders should I backup? Just my neighbourhood folder or some other folders too?

    2. How often should I backup?

    If you want, you can just say how you backup and what files you backup and I'll just adapt from that ^_^ Thanks!
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    1. Depends, if you want to save your downloads, pics, etc. I would just backup the whole EA Games folder.

    2. Again, it depends. If you want everything you've done, backup after you play the game.

    I myself, don't backup. I really don't care what gets lost because I'm not as obsessed as some people on this forum. :p
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I just backup my neighborhood folder, mine and my daughter's. I don't worry about movies, since I don't take them, or the main storytelling folder. I take way too many pictures. One day I'll have to clean some of them out. That could be fun, kind of nostalgic ...

    Yes, Flamey, I am obsessed. I need to back up my sims regularly. I can't believe how upset I got when I almost lost them all ... I blew up my previous neighborhoods without looking back but Porta de Luca is different ... not sure it's a healthy obsession, LOL but who cares.

    What I do, Imani, is back them up every time I add a new character or family, so I don't lose them, or after a special event like a wedding or graduation, or once a week if the other two haven't happened recently.

    I make a new folder on a different part of my drive with a date and description of the backup, like 01-19-06 Xanthe Graduated and plop a copy of the neighborhood into it.

    OK, maybe a little too anal, but that helps me figure out which backup I need to go back to, should disaster strike.

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