Body Shop's up on the site! Hey I was just out on the sims 2 site and while I was looking in the newsletter archive I saw a new tab appear on the top. You can only get to it through The newsletter archive but it had all kinds of stuff like links to download the sims 2 bodyshop and manuals! I'm so excited I might burst! The only problem is that I'm having trouble downloading it too my computer at school! Maybe it's just a glich on the site or something! I dunno! NEways! Thought I'd share just in case!:grin: :shocked: :shocked: :nervous: :confusion: :coolnessl: :silly: :grin: :happy: :happy:
It's such a big file (even when it is cut in half) that people are having trouble downloading even with high speed internet. That and the poor overloaded servers. I just wish that they would allow more of the fan sites to mirror it. Right now they are only allowing 2 mirror sites in addition to the Sims2 site.
It was SOOOO OBvious this was going to happen. It was a very unwise decision on Maxis' part to not let fansites redistribute Body Shop.
just let it hit them. make them learn their lesson the hard way. once their servers go down cuz of the constant slamming, then theyll finally go "duh. now i know why. too many people wanting to download. lets let the fansites offer it." anyways, i was lucky to get in on it early. i had both downloads going at one time and each were hitting 300KBps each (Kilobytes btw according to IE)
I picked it up with no problemo this morning at 10am UK time. (USA still asleepin' I guess) Now if only I could fugure out how to register ... Currently all I can see is a box with the snowflake and a message saying: I suspect that there is something missing at the end of the top line ... there's space for a link/link icon to go in there and the source html shows there's a line break "<br>" after the word 'at' ... Either that or I'm being singled out for some totally unreasonable webbery jiggery pokery of the paranoid schizoid they'veallgotitinforme type of SNAFU kinda thang that we all know and love soooo much when it comes to dealin' with those loveable but wikkid byte munchin Maxis Ranchhouse dudes ... Nurse! NURESE! NURSE!!!! Isn't it thyme I had another shot ...? (NOISE OFF - A gunshot) You dirty rotten swine you deaded me.
actually, all you have to do is make sure you have an account @, the uploading is done from the bodyshop. it will ask you for the login info.
Not to long ago I downloaded it off of the site and it took forever and a half to get done- it went past the time when we all went to bed- but I like it any ways! I do have a problem though! I dunno how to create new clothes and stuff in the make new things section! Can anyone help me! Maybe I'll download the manuel! I think it may be a problem with the game!
Yes, download the manual, it helps some! For making new clothes you can go to the make new things section and start a new project. The project folder will show up in your My Documents folder (which I HATE because I have no room there, but oh well!). Open the files in your project folder using any kind of Paint program, and you can recolor them and then save them using the SAME NAME they already have. Then hit the refresh arrow in Body Shop to see your changes on your sim.
So I can use any paint program to work the stuff!? Paint Shop Pro is confusing! Will just regular paint work do ya think? I hope so! :chinese:
Yea it will work, however you won't be able to some of the styles and techniques and advance features not available in MS Paint.
Yes, Josh is very right. It is worth taking the time learning to use the features of Paint Shop Pro. To be honest I don't actually know how anyone can make any pictures with MS Paint (apart from stickmen and basic shapes ... but even my ancient, but legally owned, copy of Flash 4 does better stickmen and shapes ... and it animates them as well One question. I use PSP7 and I have often wonderd why there doesn't seem to a simple "skew" option for raster shapes .. the deform tool only seems to work as a 'rotation' and x and y dimension changer. Even MS Paint has a crude but effective "skew" option ... I actually use it myself ... when I'm desperate (paste a layer containing the single shape that I wanna skew as a new image, then drop a high contrast background colour beneath it and save as a bmp ... open it up with MS Paint and carefully select your object out of the background then skew it. Save and reopen it in PSP ... reselecting the skewed object won't be difficult if you use the magic wand tool ... ) Course ... knowing my luck PSP7 actually does have skew tool for raster (non-vector) shapes/objects and I just never found it ...
I found a support page that has some tutorials for it: There are also several books in the bookstores that explain how to use it.
Thank you!!! Now maybe I can finally figure it out! Or maybe not! U never know! One of these days I'll download the manuel!
Downloading the manuals is a good first step! Of course... then you have to get around to actually looking through it and learning how to do stuff and trying it out... THAT's the part where I keep forgetting to get around to it!