BodyShop Don't Know How ?????? Ok call me a dummy , but i have no idea how to use bodyshop. I have the program but i have no idea how to add my own colors. Can anyone give me a good site on how to do this or just plain tell me how to. Thanks
Once you find something you want to change, such as skin/eye/hair color, select it and hit the "Export" button. Give the thing a name, such as, say, "Purple Eyes". It will export into 3 bitmaps in "My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Projects\Purple Eyes". "TextureName.bmp" is the texture, "TextureName_alpha is the alpha channel (transparency - black is transparent, white is opaque), and "swatch.bmp" is the preview button graphic. To edit them, you'll need some image editor such as Paintshop or Photoshop. They can also be edited with MSPaint... but I don't recommend it. Once you're finished, save the files, go back to Body Shop, and tell it to Import the project.
You can download Body Shop from the official Sims 2 website. It has more tutorials and examples and instructions for it at the official site too, you might take a look and give it a try, it's fun!
Gratsi Thanks for all the info. I went searching around on the net and i found a tutorial somewhere. Now im experimenting. I made my first dress yey:happy: .