
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by alliekat, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment


    Ok, so there's probably a booklist out there somewhere, but it wasn't on the front page, so I'm making a new one as I have read some fabulous ones lately.

    First of there is the Twilight series, which so far is 3 books with more to come. Absolutely fantastic!!! Vampires, werewolves, humans, romance, it's just wonderful. They are by Stephenie Meyer and you can find out more here if you wish.

    Second there is Skulduggery Pleasant. A friend of mine told me about this and I've got to say I thought it was great. Essentially, it's a teen book (actually both of my recommendeds are) but it's very witty and the heroine, while only 12, has very smart comebacks. I know, I suck at book reviews, but check more on Skulduggery (by Derek Landy) here.

    That's it from me for now, feel free to add.
  2. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I love book threads! Almost as much as I love books themselves. :rolleyes:

    I like the sound of those Twilight books you mentioned. I'll have a look at the thread you posted.

    My fav series is most definitely the Chronicels of Ancient Darkness. They are brilliant! They're about a boy called Torak who lives in the Ironage--or the Stoneage, I can't remember. He was raised by wolves so he can talk to them. He's on a mission to kill the Souleaters who made a demonic bear that killed his father. The books are fantasticly written; they really do take you back a thousand years.

    I wrote the author, Michelle Paver, a letter once and I got a two pages and a half long reply where she explained all my questions one by one to me! It was great! She's by far my favourite author. And not just because of the long reply either LOL. :D
  3. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I LOVE the Twilight Series! (OK - I haven't finished it yet, but I love it so far!)

    A couple of other recent books that I love are Poison Study and Magic Study by Maria V Snyder. Basically, the story starts out with a woman in prison for murder is given the choice of execution or becoming the food taster for the ruler. Hmmm - Die now or die later by poison? Tough choice...Magic, adventure, intigue, romance...Highly recommended. (There is a third book in the series due out the Spring of 2008)

    Then there is the Song of Fire and Ice series by George R.R. Martin., starting with A Game of Thrones. Although it is different in style and tone from the Lord of the Rings, this series is the closest I've found to the sweep and epic nature of those books.
  4. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    I also love Fiona McIntosh, an Aussie fantasy author and my fave series of hers so far is The Quickening, though Trinity trilogy was good to. Plus it's just a funky site to navigate.

    Those books you've mentioned sound good Muffin, and I'm definately going to have to look into the ones you've suggested Sacha, they sound awesome!

    Oh boy, I can see my assignments moving lower and lower on my priority list :eek:
  5. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    You're not the only one. :rolleyes:
  6. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Actually. I don't think there is such a thread at all. There were none when I was most active. If someone came up with the idea it must have been during the last years while I was a "gonner". But the idea is great! :D
    Personally I love to read. I have a series of books I re-read about once a year! :eek: Can't help but LOVE them. I'm now wearing out my 3rd set of them. :p It's nothing less than Tolkien's trilogy "Lord of the Rings" and his other books: Silmarillion, Lost Tales of Middle Earth, and the others, not to forget "Bilbo the Hobbit".
    I also love thrillers and mystery books of almost all kinds. Then I read books about gardening and house plants as well as my magazines about guinea pigs (I drooool over them when they pop into the mail box) and plants.
    One book I just plain love as it's so much about nature as well as a thriller is: The Last of The Breed by Louis L'Amour.
  7. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh boy, book threads always get me excited.

    Two of my favorites (though I have a lot of favorites so the title has lost its significance with me) are Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines, both by John Green. He's only about thirty right now, but his books are so insightful and, I don't know, worldly? but with a touch of sarcasm and cynicism as well.

    Scott Westerfeld also writes fantastic books. I didn't read his 'Uglies' series (the books are Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras, if the names sound familiar to anyone) but I really enjoyed his Midnighters trilogy and the book Peeps and its sequel, The Last Days.

    Maureen Johnson is like an idol to me. She lives in New York City, she has five books published (all of which I love) and she's also extremely funny and witty, if her blog is any indication of her personality. But anyway, if you guys are interested in Young Adult fiction you should remember her name.

    Libba Bray is writing a fantastic trilogy set in the Victorian era, which I have an on-and-off obsession with.

    Oh oh oh! The Book Thief by Mark Zusak is an amazing read. It's so...I don't really know how to describe it. It was just so amazing, reading about the Holocaust from the perspective of a little German girl. I was nearly sobbing at the end.

    I'll probably add more some other time. Lately I haven't been reading much YA fiction, though--I'm trying to smart up a bit and read more classics.
  8. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Uh oh. Spotted a typo. What I was meant to write was link, instead of thread. :eek:

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