Troubleshooting CDKey.exe

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Tocs1001, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. Tocs1001

    Tocs1001 New Member


    I bought the sims 2 Nightlife for my sister and when she installed it and tryed to run it it gave her a CDkey.exe error. I dont know much more but my sister hates it when i'm in her room, let alone work on her comp but I want this fixed. Any1 else get a problem with CDkey.exe? Did she type the key in wrong?:confused:

    truely baffled ~Tocs
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Umm ... does she also own The Sims 2 game (legally)? Kind of odd that you like your sis enough to buy her expensive video games but she hates you so much she won't let you in her room to help :rolleyes:

    Typing in an incorrect key would not produce a (run time/system) error it would merely report an in-valid key and ask for it to be re-entered.
  3. Tocs1001

    Tocs1001 New Member

    The Sims 2 is legal its mine actually... I bought it with my own 50 bucks lol she still wont give me that CD back... about being that nice, its her birthday no matter how greedy, selfish, invasive, horrible, grouchy, tempramental,controling, possesive she may be any1 deserves a good gift on their birthday :D We fixed the problem... 2 sets of the Sims 2 existed on her hard drive 0_o and that just skrewed everything up... manual uninstall and boom it worked... but now i have nightlife on my comp can i use the normal sims 2 CD to play it?
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    No you need the last Sims 2 disc used to install or add something; in this case nightlife.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Sorry but I had to ask :D (You're a good person!! :D :D )
  6. Tocs1001

    Tocs1001 New Member

    So if i bought univercity i would be able install that and use that disc to play Nightlife, Sims 2, and Univercity? ifso nifty!
  7. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    No, it would want the Nightlife disk due to it being the lastest EP.

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