How Do I changing age

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by HelloKit, Dec 11, 2005.

  1. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    changing age

    Okay, so this is more of a "can I do this" than a "how do I".

    I have a family that I made in CAS way back before Uni, but haven't played yet. There is one member that I made an adult, but now that I have Uni I'd actually like to put her through college. If I were to use agesimscheat to change her to a teen, then send her to college, would that cause any bad side effects? I know I could just delete the family and start over, making her a teen, but I'd prefer not to since some of my other sims have already met some of the sims in this family (i.e. the kids have come home from school with my other sim-kids). Do you guys think it's safe to use the cheat?
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    You could but I wouldn't as the memories probably have the ages attached and the memories would be all over the place. Although if you don't care about the memories, then why not give it a go? :rolleyes:
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    By the way, DO NOT delete the family. Do not delete any sims. (Kill them and delete their tombstones if you like but don't delete sims in the sim bin.)Even though Maxis included a delete button in the sim bin it makes things messy. I have a handful of families stored permanently in the sim bin. Sad, but they were just clutter in the neighborhood because they were identical twins of others I play with regularly.

    Also, do not move sims from one neighborhood to another. That also causes major problems with the game. If you do a search of the subject in this forum you'll find much talk about it.
  4. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    (sob!) (Sigh) Wow, that brought up some horrible memories for me. Thanks for sharing, Lynet! LOl (j/k. We should sticky that up somewhere as a warning to all newbies.)

    As to Kit's original question: I did it with the Inseminator. I had changed my mind about aging a Sim before her time, so I saved the lot (just in case it went hooey) and then clicked on "Set Sims Age" and clicked on "Adult" on the pie menu. She's an adult again. (Well, now she's a vampire LOL), was even able to have another baby. :) As to the memories, yes, her children even have memories of "Mom grew up well" but except for that, there's no sign of her ever being an elder.
  7. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    Thanks everyone... I guess I will try the cheat and see what happens. :)

    Flameback: No worries about memories... this family has been in the sim bin the whole time, and only the children have met some of my other sims by coming home from school with them. No one has met the sim I want to change.

    Lynet: I know all about the effects of deleting/moving families. But I don't play at near enough a level to have any problems with overcrowding of character files. I have moved families, and have been playing over a year since doing so without any ill effects. Knowing my computer as I do, I'll have a catastrophic drive failure and have to start all over long before I have enough orphaned character files to cause a fiery ball visible from space. ;)
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, guess I've been told...

    I have always err'd on the side of caution. And I have SO much time and effort invested in my little families that I'd probably have a stroke if I screwed up my game. :knockout:
  9. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Dont get me wrong. I know that many people have encountered this problem and I know that when you move characters from one hood to the other, it will delete their relations.
    The reason for my comment on the burned Cds, though, is that I have talked to several players with burned CDs and they got annoyed that this problem occured. I tried to talk them into actually buying the game, but instead I was really offended by some of the things they said. I wonr repeat them.
    Hence, I assumed, that game crashes and such was related to burned CDs.
    I apologize:)

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