Cheats Hey everyone i was just wondering if there is a cheat to get all your skills up? Thanks Narra Girl xoxo
The easiest way is to use Merola's Multi Painting. It allows you to cheat up (or down) just about everything in the game!) How you use it is up to you. I have one in most of my houses but I really try not to use it unless I absolutely have to because I am pushing a particular story line.
I use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true . I get best results when I enter it in the neighborhood, and you can just drag skills and needs up. Be careful though if you use it - you can do some serious damage clicking on options if you don't know what they mean.
The boolprop cheat is a really risky one. Be sure to set it back to false. I suggest you try using Merola's Painting and some of JMP's stuff first before messing with the boolprop cheat. They're safer. For discussions of J.M. Pescado's (very useful) stuff, try a search of these forums. His site is
Okay Lynet - I want you to reprimand me anytime I recommend boolprop. I really should quit that habit.
I wasn't reprimanding you, Babe. The boolprop cheat is very useful. I've used it myself. And it's certainly OK with me if you recommend it. (I'm not a moderator, just a busy body.) I was only reminding her to set it back to false (although I guess I came across as a little heavy handed there, didn't I.) Anyway, I thought that if Narra were a less experienced player than you (and I got that impression somewhere--I leap to conclusions all the time) she might want to try Merola's painting first. I've just taken for granted that you are a very bold player and willing to experiment with all kinds of stuff, and hang the consequences . Am I leaping to another nutty conclusion? You see, I'm a very timid player. I've only very recently started downloading clothes, for pete's sake. Anyway, I'd read that you can crash the game with boolprop so I suggest caution in using it. You know, Babe, after rereading our two posts, I think we're both in danger of getting arthritis in or knees.
You can also use Insiminator to increase your skills / hidden stats / set age and all sorts of other cool stuff. The Insiminator site includes adult stuff so i won't link it, but a quick search or looking around MTS2 should locate it quickly.