
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by LEsherick20, Nov 30, 2003.

  1. LEsherick20

    LEsherick20 New Member


    Since the sims will be more aware of thier surroundings I wonder I they will coment to others on how they dress and If they like their outfit or not then you would have to pick out outfis that they like and because shoes and hats come sorta seperately if there will be a bubble saying they don't like their shoes but not their whole outfit. And If they don't wear something nice to work or school they will be sent home or their grade or pay decreases. But for that to work they shoud get rid of the automatic changing they do.
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    unless of course they are wearing a uniform of some sort. instant changing then is good.
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Maybe we can change the work uniforms if we don't like them? ;)
  4. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    It would be kind of cool if you could create your own clothes, or do what 'Tony Hawks Underground' do, in which in this example, you take a digital picture of some item of clothing, front and back, and then email to maxis, then they send you a code which you enter into the game and voila! you get your virtual clothes.
  5. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    Or you could just take a picture of a logo or something you want to be made into a logo, email it to them and they'll resize it for you.
  6. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    im pretty sure skinning is as easy as it was in ts1. as ive seen sample skin packs on the net so far where you can start creating skins now for ts2.
  7. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    yeah but they're still a bit crap, the only thing you can do is edit the colour tones.
  8. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    umm. wasnt censored dude. and if you meant the other word, im sure we get the picture. and as far as the skins being crap, how else would you have wanted it done? thats pretty much the only way it can be done. the 3D models have to be textured in one way or another and theres really only one way to do so. so either you go out and develop a revolutionary new texturing technique, or you stick with the current technique.
  9. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    sorry its just that you cant seem to be able to say **** or **** so the word crap seemed unlikely too. Pardon my Fr**ch.
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Is the name of a country actually being censored here or did you do that yourself?!? :confused:

    Anyway, I don't think Maxis has the time and money for it to be WORTH their time and money to take in tons of emails, have workers make new skins, and then send them back out to the people sending in the requests. They did a lot of work to make the skins more easily redone, it should probably be as easy to slap a logo on a shirt in sims 2 skins as it was in sims 1 skins as both are the texture wrapped over the mesh, that much hasn't changed at least.

    I don't understand how the Tony Hawk's Underground works to get new content into a game that's already made... How do they put the new clothes they made for you INTO your game?? Is it connected to the internet? (Feel free to laugh at me, I'm really new to console gaming of any kind! :p )
  11. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    i wouldnt know about the tony hawk game faeluna. i did hear that you would tell them what you wanted and they gave you a code to enter, but never really given it much thought as to how it was done. maybe it is connected to the net. thats pretty much my only guess.
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    If it's not connected online and the game is generating the skin using the code to control the color of each pixel that would be a pretty amazing game program!! :eek: And I'd imagine it would have to be a pretty long complicated code if that were the case.....

    If that's not how it works now I'm wondering how hard it would be to make something like that work for games in the future! :p
  13. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    So Sims 2 would be rather difficult to skin eh?..perhaps we could get our resident skinner Fae to do some incredible skins
  14. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    umm. stop right there. noone said that skinning for the sims 2 was hard. its the same as the sims 1 for the most part and is simply taking a bitmap image and editing it in any image editor like paint or photoshop. fae was talking about tony hawks underground.
  15. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    Have they actually given characters more details or have they actually started from scratch?
  16. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I got the impression that for the sims 2 game almost everything was starting from scratch... I don't know if the way the meshes and animations work will be really different or based in the same way... but whatever they've done it took a LOT of work and it looks GOOD. :D They have new versions of the same game characters in sims 1, like I heard they still have the Goth family, for instance.
  17. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    The newbies? Please dont say they have the newbies.
  18. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I don't remember hearing if they have Bob and Betty Newbie... but I'd imagine they might keep them as characters and have them be the tutorial family again... I'm guessing you REALLY didn't like them? ;)
  19. Tetris

    Tetris New Member

    Oh you bet. When I did the tutorial I let them carry on with their lives a bit and let them do what they wanted at double speed. A couple of seconds later Bob causes a fire and betty pleads with the grim reaper to let him live ,so he gets turned into a zombie, and boy was it hell. Then when I tried to make my own family, guess who our first visitors were? That's right the newbies! So I deleted them off my land and now no one can visit my family... I hate you Bob and Betty.
  20. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Haha I was playing the tutorial and thought I'd play them some more and I had them kiss and suddenly they wanted to have a baby! I had them barely making it and actually BROKE half the time as he was the only one working... in the life of crime career track! haha! :p They suddenly went WAY down in their relationship and attitude with each other and were unhappy talking while they ate... couldn't get them to like each other again to save their lives!! :p

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