Copy houses to lot bin? Hi, Somebody (I can't remember who) said you could copy houses directly to the lot bin with NL. Is this true, or did I misunderstand? I know how to package houses and retrieve them after I exit the game, but is there a way to copy them directly, without having to exit? Thanks.
If you want to have it available so that you can replace them again and again, I found that you have to put it in the lot bin. I made a townhouse and dragged it to the lot bin, then replaced it in the neighborhood. The copy of the house was still in the lot bin so that I could re-place it.
OK, thanks, I'll try that! So what you're saying is, taking a house from the lot bin in NL doesn't delete it from the lotbin? If so, cool!
Yep, just dropping a house into the lotbin is all that's required. I've been moving renovated homes into the lotbin and placing them right back into the neighborhood. It leaves a copy in the lotbin. If one of your homes becomes corrupted you've got a copy. You could make a neighborhood of tract homes or a block of townhouses in a few minutes. This feature alone makes Nightlife worth buying.
No kidding! I like making houses, but not for every single sim ... thanks for the info! Plus, it's kind of fun to move into a pre-made house. More like real life, no?