Couple of questions.

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Alex Salus, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. Alex Salus

    Alex Salus TSO addict

    Couple of questions.

    Hi, I'm new to TS2 on Ps2 and I have a couple of questions to ask.

    1. How do you get out of the 3rd location, the bed and breakfast one?
    2. Can someone list all the locations?
    3. What does it mean by "Sims Helped: in when you go into the progress menu?

    I would be great if someone could answer thses for me. :)
  2. SimsScape

    SimsScape Rocker but not Roller

    i can only answer 1 and 3...

    if your top want is "Help Isabella", you have to use L2 or R2 until you control Isabella, and then finish all her gold wants

    once you do this, you will have "helped" her (#3)

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