Crappy Week!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by babewithbrains_14, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Crappy Week!

    Crappy week. Here's a list:

    1 - Woke up from a nightmare and was confused so thought my Grandad was dead.

    2 - Then was upset about Uncle Bill - but thought ' I'm going to be happy! Yay!'

    3 - Crap at my History coursework (cw). Wrote like nearly an A4 page of a 5 A4 page essay, and it had to be deleted 'cos my teacher said 'it's a dog's dinner'.

    5 - Wrote about a page of a 4 A5 page of English cw. It's so difficult!

    6 - Nearly had a nervous breakdown on Saturday at dance. I've been there nearly 5 years now, I should be able to do these moves.

    I - CAN'T - DO - IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7 - Been sorta ill for the past 2 days. Won't go into it.

    8 - Thought my mother had given me an overdose this morning. I asked for some headache pills, and she gave me two. I asked her could I take them both, and she said yeah, of course. Then as we got closer to school she nearly had a heart attack and said I shouldn't have taken them both. I'm alive though!
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yikes!!! And it's still only Tuesday ;)

    Things can only better, huh? Or do I mean butter? :p

    Can I just say that your sig always makes me smile? :D
  3. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    My whole life is crappy. -_- I was having a highly philosophical instant messaging conversation with one of my friends the other day, and we were talking about all of the crappy things that have happened to us. I told him that my brother never helped me with my homework even though he was only one grade higher than me, and that he always claimed that he "couldn't remember anything from a year ago." He responded with, "how sad. -_-". So, a little water from the well of intellect and genius hidden deep within my brain, surrounded by crazed mutterings about TS2 and chocolate, leaked out: "All of our lives can be defined by that one phrase, but not everyone chooses to admit it."

    It's true, isn't it? If you just sat down and spent the time to analyze your life, and compare the number of bad things that have happened to you with the number of good things that have happened to you, you'll realize that your life just sucks. I suppose the people who don't admit it are a lot happier and end up enjoying their lives a lot more. I think I'm in between.

    Wow, this reply turned out to be a lot longer than I predicted. I bet nobody will read it.
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh I feel so bad for you guys. What's your motto? "Life sucks and then you die" ...?? This feeling is a teen thing. I actually remember feeling pretty much the same. What eventually happens is that you learn to change your perspective and raise the ante for rating a crappy thing as crappy and your increasing experience enables you to get more out of opportunities thus increasing your helpings of goodness. Meanwhile enjoy that paranoia and misery ... "teen attitude" is so cute :p
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I was a miserable teenager, a confused twenty-something and a very happy thirtysomething. Now that I'm two months from 40 I can honestly say that the bad things helped make me a nicer, more compassionate person. I can see what I brought on myself and what was just plain crappy luck.

    I've had a rough couple of months myself but know things will get better. As you get older you'll get more perspective. I know teenagers hate hearing that, but it's true.

    Life's like a rollercoaster. Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down.

    It's important to try to enjoy the ride.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I don't remember very much from my teenage life (it was an awfully long time ago) except that I hated my body and used to cover it up as much as I could :eek: from fingertips to toes, and that any boy I had a crush on had no interest in me :rolleyes: . This was also in the dark ages before decent acne medicines so you can imagine...ick. Well, I still hate my body :p (I'm way too short, for one thing) but I adore my husband and we're having a great time in our "middle" years ;) . So, my sad friends, as time passes I think you will find that the good things are worth waiting for, and are all the more precious and wonderful just because of the unfortunate events that may occur in between.
  7. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I hate roller coasters. :eek:
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LMAO That's what we're trine to tell ya, 123. It's hard work maintaining all that love this hate that philosophy. 'S much easier to be an old fart and just take life's little brickbats and throw 'em straight back. I tell ya it's so much fun. I had the perfect opportunity today and if anyone presses me, I am not too proud or too shy to tell everyone. ;)
  9. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    Ahhhh yes, the intense emotions, the insecurities, the poor body image the acne, I remember it all so well! And I don't really miss it, so far i am loving being in my 30's, a new kind of contentment has arrived, my kids are growing up and are not so dependant on me, my financial situation, while not great, is manageable, I have a loving husband and 3 beautiful boys, i have a great family and I finally understand my mother!

    123, life is not crappy, you will become an adult, things change all the time and while there are crappy things that will still happen, it's definitely all worth it. Enjoy your youth, it goes by so fast that one day I'm sure you will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

    Actually, there is one thing I'd like back, my 18 year old body. I wonder where it went?
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, what do you think of all this, Babe and 123?

    I believe you, Babe, that your week was really crappy. Sounds it. Here you come looking for commiseration and what do you get? Old people telling you to be happy. :rolleyes: We remember something of what it was like to be 14 but not all of it and not very well because too much has happened to us in the years since then.

    I do remember telling myself, "A month from now this test will be long over with and forgotten and you'll be opening Christmas presents" or something along those lines. In other words, I pretended that some dreadful thing I had yet to endure was already history. Sound weird? Maybe so. But think of a bad week as a story you'll be telling your friends next month after you've recovered from it. You can compare notes and emotional scars and all that. I still occasionally get together with a girlfriend for dinner out and commiserate with her about work and family and a lousy week--no husbands present.

    But, 123, it really does get better. I assume, with your writing skills, that you plan on college. College is so way better than high school. Look forward to it.
  11. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I'm planning on staying a 7th grader for as long as possible. 2 years before high school! 2! It only really hit me last summer--I'm growing up, and there ain't no going back. :( I enjoy being a kid! I enjoy waiting until the last minute to do homework! Right now the prospects of being an adult with all kinds of new responsiblities really freaks me out. Okay, so life isn't crappy, but it can be if you look at it that way. I don't usually look at it that way.

    Sylla, I haven't reached the insecure, hormonal teenage part of my life yet, but I know it's coming--already getting dirt-filled pores. At least I haven't broken out yet, like other people in my grade. With two older siblings I've been warned plenty early to wash my face, and wash it everyday.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    123, you are one very smart kid. You write here with intelligence and a lot of thought and I can tell that you won't have any trouble dealing with the responsibilities of adulthood, so don't freak out now. Please take my word for it. I recently worked with a young woman who will never think as clearly as you obviously do. She had a job with our company but not for long. She couldn't handle any of it and we had to let her go. One big difference between you and her is that she wasn't in the least bit worried about anything! She's an airhead, if I may use that old fashioned term, and thoroughly self-absorbed (you are most assuredly not an airhead or self-abosrbed.) And somewhere, right now, she's a serious burden on someone else's shoulders. I wish we had been able to hire you instead.

    But not yet because you are absolutely right to enjoy being a kid. :)

    As for the face washing. Sure, do it everyday but don't go too crazy with it. Acne is a complicated condition that's not all due to dirt. Hormones play a big part and that's why teenagers in particular are plagued with it. A couple of years ago I was given a prescription that had certain hormones in it. Turns out I was very sensitive to one of them. All of a sudden I was breaking out with acne (and I'm in my 50's, Hon) like a teenager. I'd forgotten how much it just hurts :( . Anyway, don't punish yourself thinking that you just haven't scrubbed your face hard enough.

    You know, something, 123, I do enjoy talking to you. Hope you don't mind all this advice from everybody.
  13. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    I feel terrible. I tripped over, like, so badly two days ago. On our morning run at junior high I felt great and refreshed by the run and when we almost finished this jerk (might a add, a guy) bumped into me from behind and made me fall over! I got this gigantic scar and I can hardly move my legs. My elbows and hands are scraped and so is my forehead. It seems I cushioned his fall and you know what made me furious? He just kept running without saying, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Maybe it wasn't his fault and I'm over reacting but its been one of the worst weeks of my life. Man I love my knives right now.
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Sometimes I feel like I really need a punching bag to take out my anger on, but then I know that I'm not strong enough to punch it. :rolleyes:

    Well, right now I only wash my face on school nights because my nose always feels so yucky and oily if I don't wash it one night. I hate my nose. Other than acne I don't think I'm look like preteen at get my drift? But, no, I'm not about to start complaining that I'm, ahem, "undeveloped" or anything. I'm best at being a kid--going on the computer all day, waiting until Friday night to do Chinese homework that's due the next morning, only practicing violin for half an hour...
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    You're right, Lynet. I certainly didn't mean to belittle what they're going through right now. It's all part of the process.

    I just think it helps to know there's a light at the end of that tunnel. I would have liked to know that I was really OK when I was that age. I always thought I was weird or something. (Of course, maybe I still am "weird or something" but now I don't care!)

    Kupo, can you stay home from school tomorrow? (Or is tomorrow there already?) Tell your mom what happened if you haven't already. That sounds painful!!

    123, you are wise beyond your years. When I was 17 I wanted to stay 17 forever. I think, like you, I sensed that being grown up was a mixed bag.

    And LOL Sylla. I'd settle for my 24 year old body!! I certainly don't know where this fat woman came from. :rolleyes:
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    ROFL! Totally same here!

    The teenage body stuff is so annoying. My skin is okay I guess, just the few odd spots. If I chucked the chocolate it would be better, but I'd need a Prozac drip installed. My stupidly skinny 6-stone frame gets on my nerves, especially at dance. When I do eventually get moves right, I only have to look in the mirror to see my arms flailing about wildly and it's instant depression! My hair is okay, I guess. I fact, I love may hair. It's shoulder length brown with a side fringe - a lot better than the fringe I had for the last 14 years, thick and down to my eyebrows. But I'm happy with my body right now.

    I suppose it is true that good things come to those who wait, anyway. Feeling a lot better today. Discovered a new thing on Media Player that lets me listen to like practically any song I want. Why have I only found this today?

    It was open evening at school tonight. I thought I was going to be missing out on the fun of my friends but it turned out I could go! And when they abandoned me, I had to hang around with this guy from year 11 I'd never spoken to in my entire life (in my defence, he only got to the school a year and a half ago). Hehe! He is really funny. His hair is a bit greasy, but I can sort that out if I need to lol! I'm not sure though. It could be that we are just friends. It might have to be :S . And he might be the sort to blank me tomorrow at school. I sure hope not! I'm not bothered if it's a 'just friends situation'. That would be quite cool actually. Either way is good for me! Just not the bad way, the one when he ignores me. That's very very bad. Wish me luck! I like a lot of guys at the moment. Just 1, 2, 3, 4... and with this new guy it could be a possible 5. But like I said, I'm not sure yet. Nothing ever happens anyway!

    Sorry about the long post. I honestly didn't mean to go on.

    PS: I also virtually finished my ICT cw. YAY!
    PPS: Thanks about my sig, Mirelly. I was thinking about changing it but you changed my mind. My fave bit is about the coke!
  17. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I LOVE my hair--it's thick, shiny, totally unmanageable....and yet I love it.
  18. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I wash mine with that Sunsilk stuff for brunette's - I think it's great. However, I am rubbish at doing my hair in a ponytail or something - I can blow-dry it, and that's about it. I can keep the style and take good care of my hair. It's fab. Us girls gotta have our hair!
  19. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Thank goodness this week was short for me. Two days off, today and tomorrow. Why is it that teachers like to assign due-dates for short weeks? I had several projects due and I don't have any idea how I finished them all, and without panic attacks.

    I had terrible middle school years, I'm really relieved that they're long behind me. I was an insecure, self-conscious, unhappy little person then, in a school environment that just was outright hell. I was so grateful to get out of that and move on. Now I'm a senior and highschool and life's stressful because I'm one step closer to being an adult, yet I'm not quite sure I'm ready to go to that part yet. *sigh* I wish age transitions were as easy as The Sims' :rolleyes:

    Life will get better...:) The good really outweighs the bad. :)
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :p I was talking about all of us, especially me.:p

    Probably a lot less so than the rest of us.:) (oops, edited because I seemed to be referring to the wrong end of the sentence.)

    I think so, too.

    Me, I wasn't paying any attention. I just looked in the mirror one day and said, "OMG, what happened?!?"

    35 was a good year for me. *sigh* Long, long gone.

    This thread started out so stressed and now I'm laughing. That's why I come back to this forum everyday. :D

    p.s. You lucky girls, I HATE my hair.

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