Troubleshooting Crashing Error

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by TheCrow21, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    Crashing Error

    Hey all,
    My mate recently got his computer tuned up a bit, lol, he had some extra ram and memory put in and he installed the sims 2: universities. Me, my mate other mate? :D, played it for a while but then it suddenly crashed, it didn't give any info as to why or offer any extra info it just said "the sims 2 has crashed" basically? We tried it over and over, but the crashing came earlier and earlier till we couldn't get passed the loading screen, we tried re-installing it but there was no difference. The guy who set it up was a friend of their family and seemed to know what he was doing but is there any reason why this could be happening? I wanna help my mate because he's been looking forward to the sims 2: universities for ages (and with good cause, lol :)) because he couldn't play it with his old computer.
    Any ideas? :D
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hi Crow,
    We'd need to hear more about how well the core game performed before the upgrade and also what the computer specs are (the before and after upgrade numbers). Also you don't say whether the expansion pack installation was done properly (meaning that all downloads were removed). Help us to help ya. 'k :D
  3. Leticron

    Leticron New Member

    First thing that comes to mind:
    was anything else changed (likeFSB Speed Ram Access Timing etc. to speed up the comp)
    if so, you might now either deal with a thermal problem or a memory refresh problem
    These kinds of problems can cause all kinds of weird behaviour
    (especially the fact, that the game runs shorter and shorter every time makes me think of overheating)
    Can you play longer if you start the PC in the morning?...or try to remove the side panel of the comp to see if it gets better
    another reason could be, that the new RAM requires different access timings (slower RAM = cheaper RAM..comp crashes if it's accessed too fast or if refreshed too slow
    Call that guy and tell him about your probs..if he knows, what he's doing, he'll know ;)

  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Another thing that I've found can make the crashes occur more often and run for shorter and shorter times is having a fragmented disc. Games are *very* hard on hard drives because they access them far more frequently than business programs do and they tolerate fragmentation far more poorly than business programs (for the same reason.)

    You can't depend on the "analyze" to let you know if you need to defrag your drive because that is set to see if it needs it for business programs. So, it's best to just defrag on a regular basis. It also takes less time to defrag if you don't wait until the drive is a total mess.

    Saving frequently while playing is a good idea too. Even the best computers can crash if it isn't save frequently enough.

    But as Leticron says, overheating can also be something that can cause what you're experiencing.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good points, Leti! :) Crow, mate. Please tell us it wasn't a laptop? ;)
  6. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    lol, trust me to be unspecific :rolleyes:. Ok, nothing was changed before the ram and memory were added apart from most things were backed-up, but they were gotten rid of afterwards. It's not a laptop (i hope i've made your day :p lol).
    We never knew if the original worked because we installed one after another, there didn't seem to be any installation problems. The second time we installed it we restarted the computer after installing the sims 2 then installed the expansion packs. They're getting the help of the one who set it up again but any idea what you can do if it's overheating? :D
    ...O, and we were saving frequently because we were afraid it would still crash after we installed it again....Which it did :eek::D, i can't really give u much computer info since me and a computer go together as well as an elephant and toast...Mmmmm, toast. But he's using windows Xp, he now has 1020 ram about, lol, and he used to have 350 or so (The specifics just keep on coming :p) and he used to have 12gb, but now has 80gb of memory. I don't think i can say much else, hope i helped :)
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well I am relieved to know it's not a laptop ;)

    Best advice I can give is to get your techno-geek to post here (in this thread) with a detailed list of the computer's specs. It might be that he has added a display adapter (graphics card) and either it is crashing because it is underpowered or overheating inside the pc's case. Or it could be one of a zillion other things. Get him to provide us with that list! OK?
  8. Leticron

    Leticron New Member

  9. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    Nah, it's alright now, lord knows what was wrong but he fixed it? lol, sorry to waste your time guys, but thanks for your help :D. I know who to come to for computer advice, lol ;)
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    It's never a waste of time to ask a question. If nothing else we learn how to problem solve... or at least how other people problem solve.
  11. bajanrose

    bajanrose New Member

    Sims2 Crashes at the screen

    I just installed the SIMS 2 from 4 cds last night when I go to run it its gets to the screen then crashes to my desktop, I've tried running the video in 16bit but still doesnt work.
    I ran dxdiag, everything seems to be fine. I don't know if its maybe my video card, its onboard intel.
    Heres the report from dxdiag:
    Thanks for the help.
    System Information
    Time of this report: 5/13/2005, 07:14:28
    Machine name: MINIME
    Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Dell Computer Corporation
    System Model: Dimension 3000
    BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A02
    Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz
    Memory: 510MB RAM
    Page File: 355MB used, 891MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

    Display Devices
    Card name: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller
    Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
    Chip type: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller
    DAC type: Internal
    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2572&SUBSYS_019D1028&REV_02
    Display Memory: 96.0 MB
    Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (16 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
    Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200
    Driver Name: ialmrnt5.dll
    Driver Version: 6.14.0010.4299 (English)
    DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
    Driver Date/Size: 4/5/2005 14:38:44, 38014 bytes
    WHQL Logo'd: Yes
    WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
    VDD: n/a
    Mini VDD: ialmnt5.sys
    Mini VDD Date: 4/5/2005 14:46:28, 830684 bytes
    Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-6632-11CF-5363-9721A3C2CB35}
    Vendor ID: 0x8086
    Device ID: 0x2572
    SubSys ID: 0x019D1028
    Revision ID: 0x0002
    Revision ID: 0x0002
    Video Accel:
    Deinterlace Caps: n/a
    Registry: OK
    DDraw Status: Enabled
    D3D Status: Enabled
    AGP Status: Not Available
    DDraw Test Result: Not run
    D3D7 Test Result: Not run
    D3D8 Test Result: Not run
    D3D9 Test Result: Not run
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

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