Depth Perception If you give your creature only one eye, will it be generally disadvantaged in depth perception?
I think it would advance then... like it's good it's only have one eye cause then it can see a longer distance... there's no suberb creature and therefore no BAD-EST creature.... at least that's the way I've understood it...
I can say with almost complete certainty that depth perception will have no place in the game. While I'm sure that having additional eyes will help you somehow, don't count on depth perception.
Again, I simply don't see it happening. The camera floats around your creature, and you the player can see everything around your creature perfectly. If your creature is half blind, but you can see perfectly, would they not cancel each other out? I believe the eyes will not affect how well you can see, but will instead have some sort of secondary, indirect effect. Most likely, they will probably affect something like reflexes, or awareness. However, I doubt eyes will have any major influence on the performance or abilities of your creature.
Maybe Will Wright does? I know you're very informed with the latest developments with Spore Kraden, but please don't make statements that might turn out to be wrong in a month or two. From the other hand, anything might to turn to be wrong in a month or two, so yeah...let's speculate but not make sharp statements :silly: Heat
well.. it would be more realistic if we could decide that we want our creature to haunt in the night :mischievous: or be like snakes and see the heat in other animals.. I'm guessing that maybe we'll see it the same way the animals see it? so if it has heat vision our screen will turn blue and the red dots are PREY!
Forgive me, I did not mean to sound so snobbish. I was speaking from my experience with games, not stating that it won't happen. Thinking more on the subject, I think special modes could be plausible. Perhaps some sort of sense that allows you to track animals, possibly by their smell or something. Maybe having certain eyes will make your viewing range longer or something. While I don't think it's possible to have depth perception (as computers are inherently 2-dimensional), I think there might be some possibilities.
Depth of field is a technology that can exist today. It's relatively new, and mostly experimental. (AKA, not used in any released game) That means stuff too close or too far is slightly 'blurred'. The sole trouble with this is how to make it intuitive and useful in a game; have it not get in the way and such. That said, I find it much more likely that such 'upgrades' would increase your depth of VIEW (sight distance) or some such thing, as Kraden has specified. The reality is, we don't know, so you'll have to wait with the rest of us and find out.
Although I don't think depth perception will be put into the game, since that adds a whole other difficulty level to it, I do think that the special senses/vision would be cool. Maybe something like Far Cry, where you can see heat and (apparently) scents?