Spore Diplomicy versus Militaristic Civilization

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by drengnikrafe, Jun 12, 2007.


Military or Diplomatic?

  1. Military

  2. Diplomatic

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both

    0 vote(s)
  4. Depends on others

    0 vote(s)
  5. Depends on my current mood


    0 vote(s)
  7. Undecided

    0 vote(s)
  1. drengnikrafe

    drengnikrafe New Member

    Diplomicy versus Militaristic Civilization

    As we all know very well, Spore is very open ended. So much so, that you can be a military civilization or a diplomatic one. My question to all of you is: Which? and Why?
  2. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    Depends on my mood. :smile:

    I can be nice.. and other times, quite nasty.
  3. Hazath

    Hazath New Member

    military doesn't mean aggressive.... Although there is a strong correlation :)
  4. Bonkywop

    Bonkywop New Member

    Does 'DESTROY EVERYTHING' mean aggressive? Hmm, depends on my mood too... happysexyfun!Bonky will spread rainbows of love and horny unicorns to the universe, angstydiebitch!Bonky will laserbomb the unicorns and rape planets.

    It's kind of obvious I don't know much about how this game really works, isn't it?
  5. shadowsimII

    shadowsimII Supreme Simmer

    military first. if i decide to play again i might do diplomatic

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