Discussion Thread New Letter from Luc

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Well I'm glad he wrote to let fans know a little more about what's happening. I'd imagine they are getting TONS of mail from upset fans angry about the delay! :( I hope as it gets closer to being finished that they can start telling us what they've been working on so people can realize they're working on making the game better, and not just sitting around waiting to cash in! :p
  3. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    I have reached my inner peace. Instead of being outraged at the delay I am happy to know that when I purchase the Silver game (I've downgraded it from Golden game) I will be glad to play it completely free of bugs. Hopefully. I just hope they keep updating and talking to the fans.
  4. Silkymoon_J

    Silkymoon_J New Member

    Well since the sliver game was pushed back till summer maybe i can concentrate on My school work........(it ain't gonna happen)
  5. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    I know what you mean

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