Spore do certain things in space stage...

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by FierceCypriot88, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. FierceCypriot88

    FierceCypriot88 New Member

    do certain things in space stage...

    There are a few things i could use some info on.

    #1: I have a quest to increase the Tspore level on Drado and the atmosphere and temperature are both quite far from where they should be. Any suggestions on how to change this? I only have access to an atmosphere changer.

    #2: I'm constantly attacked by enemies and i'm currently a warrior type class. How can I get my planets to just have the ground, sea, and air units to take care of them for me while i'm gone? Usually the turret defenses do most of the work.

    #3: Is it possible to have the trading be automated with certain planets so that the spice trade is done without me having to go back and forth?

    #4: Will there be an auto-save feature included in a patch eventually? It really sucked when my game crashed for no reason and i lost 2 badge levels along with a ton of other badge unlocks and missions that i had completed.

    If more questions come up I will update this post. Usually more questions come to me when I start playing
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I'm personally still figuring out number one, but it looks like if you design vehicles in number two to have weapons from a military style environment, it should combat them back

    Number three - When you talk to a planet, I think you could open talks with each race and start a trade route. It should automatically give trade spice.

    Who knows when there will be an auto save. Quick shortcut for saving (just gotta remember to use it). CTRL + S

    That's the quickest way to save.
  3. Salmon_McArdle

    Salmon_McArdle New Member

    Well Fierce the answer to number 1 your not going to like. with just the ability to change the atmosphere you're not gonna get very far. you need meteor showers or Ice storms (early form of temperature change) to get the temperature changes goin. But I can tell you this. If you know how that T-score meter works, its quite easy to terraform once you get the tools to do so. There is a little dot somewhere around the three rings and everytime you do something to the planet you'll see arrows next to it so you know if you're going in the right direction. Thats about all I have on that for now.
  4. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    That tiny dot is a pain in the butt to locate at times and to me it looks like a pixel .(probably my fault for playing at 1920 x 1200)
    I think Maxis should have done the T-planet screen a bit different or made it into a bigger screen you can open up.
  5. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I'm having trouble figuring out what plants to put on the planet. It's always a guessing game with me at the moment...and it's starting to bug me.
  6. FierceCypriot88

    FierceCypriot88 New Member

    i'm sorry i got back so late haha. Here's the problem I have, I made friends with 3 other allies around me while declaring war on many others around them. So at one point in my space age I had my planet drado taken over and then i took it back but no colony to put on it. By the time i went back my ally had taken the planet. So.... now i'm stuck with either attacking my ally and somehow finding a way to get back in good standing with them or just ignore the quest.

    I know how the meter works and all that. I actually didn't have access to the meteor shower and ice shower stuff for a while. Regardless. My airplanes on planets never attack invaders. My turrets do all the work and my uber turret that i put on the planet. Thoose are the only things doing work for me. Does the happiness level need to be above 2 or something for the planes to start working?
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Hmm..Who knows. :-/

    I guess the question would be whether do the planes even have attacking capabilities...

    I think I'll go try it out ingame and see whether they fight back.
  8. Salmon_McArdle

    Salmon_McArdle New Member

    No your vehicles basically pretend to be collecting spice. they don't do any attacking on invaders whatsoever
  9. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Dang it!! Then what's the point of having weapons on our vehicles if they don't serve a purpose other than civilization phase!!! That simply just plain sucks!!! :mad:
  10. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    That's a definite kick in the seat of your pants! I'm getting tired of having to run back to one of my colonies to fight pirates for them every other minute!
  11. FierceCypriot88

    FierceCypriot88 New Member

    yea it's very very annoying when you have to micromanage yourself and go back and forth between different planets when you're so far away trying to take care of the planets you just took over
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    New patch is out to decrease the attack frequencies! :D
  13. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    yeah but dial up users are screwed! 92 mb for a patch!!
  14. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    The things you do for a game you love...like lining up at midnight to buy the game :D :p

    *coughs and looks at Steve*
  15. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I didn't line at midnight to buy the game because the lazy butts at Wal-mart wouldn't have been able to put the game out because it was locked up . ( that's their usual excuse)
    I went in the morning it came out as I had to buy a new battery for my truck and had to ask if it was out as they hadn't even put the games out!
  16. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    HAHAHHA! That outta irk some Wal-Mart executives.. :D
  17. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    They probably didn't know anything about it!
    I always get this lovely excuse that the Wally World Workers can't put them out as the vendors are supposed to be doing it.
    If I were a boss there I think I'd be lighting a fire under their behinds until they do!
  18. Wolfy04

    Wolfy04 New Member

    Ooooo i can answer this one very easily Lol
    Ok when you get to your terrascore menu and it shows the earth with the rings (T1 T2 T3) and to the right is 3 lines. the bottom is T1 and middle is T2 and the top is T3. In each of these rows there are circles which represent a Small, Medium, Large Plant and Two herbivores and One carnivore or Omnivore. Once you get the dot into the T1 ring you have to place down each of the plants, both herbivores and carnivore/omnivore. Once you do that the Terrascore will remain in that area. For each Terra Level you need to have a different Herbivore and Plant and Omnivore/Carnivore. It really doesnt matter if you get it from a T1/T2/T3 planet as long as you have three different kinds of plant/animal. Easiest way to do this is to go to a T3 planet and stock up on a lot of plants and different animals. =D it took me a while to figure it out but i seriously love terraforming even though its a pain in the butt and takes a while. (does anyone know the order of the spice costs i know red is cheapest and then yellow but what about pink?)

    I hope this helps =D

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