Does anyone know...? So far the skins I've seen are black and white and colors in between. However I havent seen a real asian feel especially in the eyes... I wonder if the game targets the general population of the country it's shipped to? Do you know, M.Josh?
Can't you edit the eyes to look asian? I have. And you could make the right skin colour custom. Plus I've also heard that they will be adding more asian skins when the Sims 2 is released.
I have tried to edit the eyes but I haven't done anything satisfactory yet. As to additional skins in the real thing, that's the reason I haven't been going overboard with our modified version of bodyshop. (which by the way, Maxis, is a really clever name for it.)
So yoi can edit the eyes? That is so cool I didn't even know that! That is cool that you can change the skin and the eyes!
You can use Photoshop to edit the same things that you can edit with any of the graphics programs which work with the .bmp files. It's not limited to just Photoshop. To get an idea of what you can do with it, you have only to look at the clothes and other downloads on the various Sims2 download sites. (You don't have to download to see what's out there.) You might want to have a look at: (This one has lists of many of the other download sites. Today it's over bandwidth but you can try it another day.)
Just use the eye modifiers to make the eye thinner and to rotate it to the position you need. You can make some pretty cool stuff with the modifiers and if you need Asian skins colors just look for them on .
I personally think its easy to make asian EYES. I've made a few attempts, and they look alright to me. I haven't given custom skin a shot yet, but I suppose that shouldnt be TOO hard.