Dorm Building

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jakethedane, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Dorm Building

    I got the cheat to build my own dorm and it worked. Now, heres the problem. I wanted to crate another dorm, this time for the rich brats! It should contain a movietheater, a gym, library and a cafe. So I started to build the place up as a community lot, then changing it to a dorm, but now it doesnt work! I usually start with a residential lot, then use the cheat and make it into a dorm, but what do you suspect happened this time?
    Please help, the poor rich kids from West Beverly desperately needs a place to stay!
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well the first and most obvious solution is to re-apply the changelotzoning code in case you just mis-typed it.

    If that isn't the problem then you'll need to be a little more specific concerning the nature of:

    You might, for example, like to tell us if the lot can or cannot be occupied by students. If the postman comes. Whether or not other students show up and reserve unused doors. Whether a cook shows up at the commissary. You might just have forgotten to inculde a phone ...

    I'd like to see your dorm when it's finished. I just made a downtown venue that has a bowling centre, pool hall and a large auditorium, with banked seating, for concerts. The latter looks cool (but the audiences look a bit sparse ... and also uncommitted cos they rarely sit down) but the bowling venue is a blast I had my first complete game played out there :)

    PS I wish we still had those movie theatre seats from Unleashed ... :rolleyes:
  3. WereBear

    WereBear Dancing Bear

    Try putting a plasma TV turned to the SimDance channel on the wall behind the band. It will draw crowds that sit down and in pics and movies it will take the place of a concert jumbotron. :)
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    What an awesomely good idea, WereBear! :D

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