Droopy Drawers?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mirelly, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Droopy Drawers?

    I was bemused by the news that Virginia's legislaters in the USA have voted to outlaw low-slung trousers that show off the wearer's underpants.

    I was wondering if this law will also apply to sims in that state :( and if so does that mean World Sims should check all images to make sure we are compliant with Virginian law? :p:lick:;):disappointed::eek::rolleyes:
  2. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Thank God! It's about time, if you ask me! :)

    Just my $0.02 (or 0.02, or 0.02, or whatever type of currency from wherever you are. :) ) But I am happy about it! :)
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Don't think it would necessarily apply to WorldSims as we're based on California laws...

    but then again, Sims in Virginia may need to be weary...especially when the WOO HOO ;)
  4. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    I'm not all that bothered by stuff like this, shouldn't people have a right to wear what they want? It's more opinion then anything but just my 1 cent...*Sob sob* John has one more cent then me :D
  5. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Sorry :p I happened to find it on the floor while I was typing it, so... :p (j/k)
  6. Toast

    Toast Rebmem Drawkcab

    Yes, I'm like many people out there who don't like the whole baggy trousers thing. I just want to tell them to pull their dang pants up or like, wear a belt or something. But I do believe that there's nothing wrong with it. Sure, it makes the wearer look sloppy and unprofessional, but it's a style. It's not like their naked bum is showing. Which brings me to another point... If they pass a law banning low hung trousers on men, then to be fair, they really should implement some sort of laws regulating how low the waist-line of girls' jeans can be. Saw a girl in the mall the other day wearing super low-riding jeans and I caught a view from the rear. It was clear to me that her parents never taught her to say no to "crack".

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