Freaky Picture So I went to play one of my families and discovered ... Baby Stewie! Or possibly a kid no one wants. Anyway, it's freaky. I've never seen a baby sitting on the ground before.
I don't know...looks like Baby Stewie has an independent streak. Maybe he just doesn't like to be held. You might have a clone of Family Guy's Stewie.
When my triplets had two baby daughters one of the moms was holding both in the pic. With three sets of arms available, you wouldn't think she'd have to hold both of them ... Anyway, "Stewie" is loved. That's the weird thing. His dad, the elder in the picture, is really nice to him, and his older brother changes his diaper all the time without complaining. Didja notice how his little legs kind of go backwards? And I think it's freaky that he's sitting up since babies normally can't do that ... He's probably going to rule the world. Huh. I just realized that maybe I named him "Alexander" for a reason.
LOL thats hilarious. Looks like a glitch, the baby is sitting in the same position as a toddler normally would.
That was my thought, too! So anyway, my evil plan was that once Henri (the older kid) went to college and Marcel (the dad) died, Alice (the child, about to become a teenager) would have to raise baby Alexander by herself. With the help of a nanny, of course. But the house fell prey to the nanny curse! She only comes when they're HOME, not when they're away! Marcel missed work because of her. I tried firing her and hiring a different nanny ... it didn't help. Argh! So now, the family is going to have to move in with the triplets once their own daughters go off to school (no room for more people right now). Which means they'll lose their lovely house with all its nice furnishings. I may have a recent college grad move in before they move out ... I have a family sim in mind who would love that house. The triplets, BTW, are Marcel's grown-up children, so it's fitting that they raise their younger sibs. So, anyway, my plan is foiled. Ah, well.