gardening personality Does anyone know what personality and aspiration is best for a gardener? I have a stay-at-home gold badge gardener who works hard, but she doesn't seem to get any satisfaction from it and never has any aspirations or fears related to the garden. What would I do if I wanted to create a happy gardener?
I refer the honorable Jiko to my grilled-cheese solution. Marvin the mechanoid branch of the Tangell fambly is a full time gardener and mostly gets his social boosts by taking the dog for walks ... but when he's getting too down in the red, aspirationally I just get him to stick his head in the reprogrammer and all he needs is a few hours of grilled-cheese related activity and he's way up in the platinum again. I really should leave dhim on grilled-cheese but the sado-practical side of me prefers to restore him as he was made: a knowledge bot
Mirelly, as you know I generally hate to hack or cheat so avoid the grilled-cheese solution, but even so the question remains. My gold-badge gardener is not unhappy, and she gardens away without grumbling. But I think it's more because she's a Family sim and has a big family and lots of time with the kids. Gardening just isn't her #1 thrill. I think if your sim is really being satisfied by what they are doing, the aspirations to do that kind of thing roll around (kiss and flirt for romance, gain skills and read for knowledge, have babies for family and so on). So what makes a sim want to garden? I'm imagining "pull weeds, 500+" and "harvest tomatoes 1000+" and so on. My sims often want to go fishing, for instance. Why don't they want to garden? Also, a knowledge sim who is studying is actually having fun - what personality finds gardening fun?
Hi Jiko I don't know if there is a gardening aspiration. I haven't seen one. I could be wrong. It would be good if there was one. regards moon
I haven't seen any garden related wants either, but I know the fortune sims find gardening fun, they're always maxed on fun points when they're finished.
Sorry guys I was wrong. There is a gardening want As soon as I left my last post. I started playing. And guess what?? My sim got a gardening want. However the funny thing is, My sim also got a influence someone to garden. Well when I tried. There was no such thing in the influence to do?? Its got me stumped. lol. regards moon
i dont know about the sim's personality, but i'm certain that you sim's ability will affect your gardening in some way... well to start off, have a 'clean sim', for messy sims wouldn't care for a dead garden.. and you often will overlook the fact that your garden is in a bad shape. plus, messy sims whine and whine about spraying or tending the plant/tree... my sim is a clean sim with a family aspiration, and everytime she gardens, her fun meter gets maxed out... ...i dont think your aspiration matters.
LOL Jiko. I don't consider it cheating because it uses objects and game elements that are shipped as standard. I know that IRL, if I had a bunch of vouchers I could exchange for a box that would "make me happy", I'd take it cos there are times when one is feeling a bit down and just want a quick and painless method of recovering that old get up and go ... besides I think I am already a grilled cheese sim anyway, I do seem to talk about it a lot ... and what's worse it makes me feel happier after I have. Right now I am smiling fit to break out chuckling .... As for gardening wants. I think this is a problematic feature of expansion pack interaction. Maxian coding is often quite Byzantine and the results are too often freaky in nature. Seasons and Pets. With the early expansion packs, new aspiration wants were often like spam. Examples include teens having one want slot blocked with a go to college want fro the moment they become a teen, students with a permanent set of wants for pocket electronics. Since then Maxis has tried to balance the way the wants are generated. I suspect with Seasons the code is a little on the vague side so that although most wants turn up, the gardening want probably occurs only rarely due some bit of code clog.
Oh, I love grilled cheese sandwiches, too! One of the ways I "legally cheat" is kind of like that - if a fortune sim is dying for an expensive game or piece of art, I buy it and wait about 16 hours, then sell it for full value. I would never do this in the solid world; it feels like stealing. My momma done raised me good.
LOL I know what you mean. I may seem hard-nosed concerning my sims, but I'm not. I actually can't bring myself to do that to them ... mind you I am not averse to moving the same $5,000 buck paint from room to room for the headmaster's tour ... oy! what a snob that guy is!