Get dead Sim back without "Grimmy Phone?" I know you can get a dead Sim back with the Grimmy Phone (career reward from Paranormal Track) which I believe comes with the Nightlife expansion pack. I don't have that one. Is there another way to get a dead Sim back? Many thanks!
Uh-huh, you bet there is! But first: The Paranormal career reward doesn't come with NL, it comes with Uni. Your sims have to go to collage to be able to work in the Paranormal career track. Anyway, when Grimmy comes to take the dead sim away, make one of your sims 'Plea For Loved One'. That sim will plea and get a chance to play a little game with Grimmy (yep, he likes his games, Grimmy). If your sim wins, it gets its loved one back. EDIT: I don't think your sim actually has to be family/romancing the dead sim to plea. A room mate works fine -- could be wrong though. :flippant: