How Do I Getting Rid Of Customers Who Pick My Lock...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Shortn19, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. Shortn19

    Shortn19 New Member

    Getting Rid Of Customers Who Pick My Lock...

    I started a home business. Right now I am just going to sell flowers until I figure out what my business will be permanetly. Around 6:00pm I decided to close up so I locked the 2 gates used for entry onto my sims property. That didn't stop intruders aka customers from barging in on my property and coming in my house (I locked the doors used to enter my house as well), like 7 of them up to 6:00 in the morning. All night they used my swimming pool, my swings, and raided my refrigerator! When I kicked one group out, more came and did the same thing. They even went in my garage and then went to the rest of the property via the back door I placed inside. When my sims got up they asked them to leave and got yelled at by 2 of the "customers" and I lost points! My business is already getting a bad rep before I've even done anything with it! I finally put up the open-closed signs on my gates and main doors and that seems to have worked.
    But when you lock your doors aren't they suppose to actually LOCK? Am I going to have to keep the open/closed sign on all of my main doors so people won't crash at my house without my permission at 4:00 in the morning?:confused:
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Running a business from a residential lot is quite tricky. I haven't a lot experience with home businesses to be honest. The one that I did run worked OK but there was a shop totally separate from the house and the house was fenced in and locked up tight during business hours. However, as you seem to have noticed (though I am not certain I read you right) a home store must have a open/closed business sign and it must be set to closed when you want the punters to clear off the lot. If that wasn't the problem then ....

    Are you sure that you allowed all the visitors to leave the lot before you started locking doors? It shouldn't be necessary to lock doors against visitors when the store is closed. Normally a locked Maxis door will not stop a visitor from leaving via that door, so long as the door was NOT locked after the sim arrived and before the sim decided to leave.

    I suspect that is your problem. Don't lock doors after closing the store and don't unman the cash register until the last customer has left ... shoo them out if need be.

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