Got to the Third Generation!! Yay for Me!!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Got to the Third Generation!! Yay for Me!!!

    I know, sad, pathetic, whatever. :p

    Okay, for those of you who have not been around here since the game was 1st released, I'll catch you up. I had the game pre-ordered when it first came out Sept. of 2004. My plan was to create a neighborhood of interesting families and watch them breed, like some sort of weird computerized genetic experiement. My 1st neighborhood was Simsville. It became a fireball visible from space the week after UNI came out. (cry, sob, sniff). I know now that the culprit was the object.package file that became corupted when the radio-controlled car was played after UNI was installed. I also know now that those Simmies did not have to die by being freshly reinstalled. But, I dealt with the information I had at the time. Besides, a good start over and clean out is good for the game, even though it wasn't good for my goals. I had just gotten to generation #2 with my original families, and had sent my 1st batch of teens to UNI.

    Simsville Take Two started the second week of March, 2005. I started out with many of the same sims I had started Simsville #1 out with, and then started building from there. About July I had found a cute island terrain and decided it would be okay for me to package all my sims that were currently in UNI up and take them to the new college on the new island. How cool was that? Pretty good for about a month of play, and then things started happening. After about a week of glitches and strange occurances like Sims forgetting they were related, my neighborhood finally refused to load and, you guessed it, Simsville #2 disolved into a fireball visible from space. (WAAAAAA!!!! I had just started on generation #2, and I was using cheats to age them faster!!)

    Okay, third time's the charm. I decided to use the hacks and mods and guidance of those more awesome than me to make another clean sweep and get my game rolling again before NL was released. I started a new neighborhood called River Valley. I used the "delete all characters" cheat for both the regular 'hood and the one University, so there would be no excess bagage. I started my town with thirty sims, all at Uni. 15 boys, 15 girls. And then I set them off to live long and prosper.

    Some of these sims became boring to me, and so I used mods to make them townies. Some of the thirty are still in college, stuck there, until I decide they make a cute couple with someone else. LOL Two of my original families, original files still saved in body shop, I recreated one more time when the college kids moved to the main neighborhood, mainly so that their children would have someone to befriend and date. When NL was released, it was some time before hacks that keep townies and such from spawning were created, and so I do have the regular downtownies in my game, and I do have a few dormies that respawned when I removed my hacks folder on instalation day. But, execpt for that, my neighborhood is populated by my sims and their decendents.

    Last night one of my sims was graduating from Uni. She invited her entire family: Mom and Dad, siblings, and all their spouses, all the children. The parents are now elders, and all her siblings are married off. There was a group of about four kids, cousins, playing. And watching them, it hit me: I'd done it!! They were the third generation! To further prove it to myself, I sat down and drew up family trees for each family. Yep, some of my families have three branches! :)

    Now, I must beware of inbreeding. I was looking at my chart and wondering how I'm going to keep the next generation from having to take their cousin to the prom, if you know what I mean. LMAO.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share. :)
  2. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    Yippee! I'm right there with you. Granted I have only had the game since March 2005, each expansion pack coming soon after they were released. I, due to my own 'boredness' with neighborhoods and sims, have just finally hatched my third generation. Doesn't seem like that big a deal to some, but to those of us who've had issues, be they self inflicted or otherwise, get rather excited about these things. :D
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good for you Kristal. I also lost my original pre-uni 'hood due to my own stupidity. (I mixed up my back-ups and well ... :eek: ... this is also the first time I actually admitted the real reason I lost my first set of families ;) )

    My second hood began misbehaving after I installed NL and as I wasn't sure if it was the neighborhood or the hacks or just NL needing a patch I decided to make a new hood: High Oak. Trouble was I sort of made a mess of that using it for story - some sims still need to be accelerated through half a lifetime to take their part in the next chapter. :rolleyes:

    Anyway I decided to start over with a smaller population. Pennfield is being grown with 4 main families and I am just starting to see the first grandchildren appearing and it is those that I will really pay attention to. I want them to have memories of their grandparents ... there'll be no mystery sims for them. All I have to do is not screw this one up. ;)
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm working on gen 4, but only because I kept it small, like you, Mirelly. This is the first time, ever. In my last neighborhood I only got to generation 3, and the previous one had just 2 generations.

    As it is, "small" has suddenly become something like 40 characters. Yikes.

    Me and my "oooh, that would be cool ... " ideas ... :rolleyes:
  5. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Wow, 3rd Generation!

    I only started playing last week, so I can only dream of a 3rd generation! That is, if I have enough time to dream! I have a mum + dad + twin toddlers, and a mum + dad + baby girl. It's so exciting! It's also so slow...

    The reason behind my late start is due to a trip around the country. I bought the sims 2 in about March, but we only had a Mac laptop, so I was left to plan my sims and neighbourhoods on paper down to a very fine detail for almost a year. I also annoyed the heck out of my younger siblings by asking them their favourite names and so...

    Alison, 14
  6. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    You could have gotten the Mac version of the Sims 2...That's what I have, and it's been GREAT! The downside is, of course, that you have to wait until the game is ported over from the PC side...Still, that's a small price to pay for the lack of viruses, adware and spyware, that used to regularly shut my PC down every 6 months!

    Anyway, back on topic...I two, have gotten to the third generation, and it's pretty exciting. My problem will be getting to the FOURTH generation!

    In my first three-generation Legacy Family, the Ravenglass family of Pleasantville, the three children of the family founders (Alex Ravenglass and Dagmar, the mail person) are all still living at home with their spouses and children (Alex and Dagmar having passed on)...And while I love the family mansion, which has been thoughtfully planned and executed through the years, it is now so large and full of so many things, that it really slows down my game-play, so I don't play that family often...

    For my second three-generation family, the Ravenswoods of Couer D'Arc (also a Legacy Family), the oldest son fell in love with the oldest daughter of another user-made family, so they have moved to their own place and are raising a it will be up one of the other siblings (there are six of them) to carry on the Legacy...

    There's just NOT enough time in the day to work, keep house, connect with family and friends AND raise a couple of Sim Generations!!!!
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hate to brag, but well, I'm gonna...:D

    I've got fifth generation starting college. The 4th generation is about 14 kids from 3 different families of the 3rd generation. If I weren't so busy with my I, Sim story I'd be having babies in the 6th generation.

    Whoa, gotta go, Someone's home!!
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Keep house? Who keeps house? :D

    And way to go Lynet! 4th generation is the most I've managed to accomplish so far.
  9. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    I wanted to get that mac version!

    I was going to but I couldn't because:

    (A) our mac only has a stupid little mouse which you move around with your finger (I thought that would wreck it kinda) and
    (B) I didn't have enough money, I had only saved just enough for a PC version, and
    (C) my Dad would never allow me to install that "crap" on his computer.

    Otherwise I would have!:p

    Alison, 14
  10. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Ah, Parents...They just don't understand sometimes! I mean, look how much one can learn about life from playing the Sims!!! All about time management...Life-balance...Responsible dating...The importance continuing education...The making and keeping of friends...Heck, they should use this game in school!
  11. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    And I quote: "Impressive...MOST Impressive!"
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I can stop patting myself on the back long enough to admit that I haven't had to reinstall and start my neighborhoods all over again like several people have done here. I have been extremely lucky in that regard. *knocks vigorously on wood* I suspect others would have been a good bit further along in sim generations but for that disaster.
  13. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Congrats, Kristal! I remember you going through all of that. I'm glad you finally were able to get past it. (I'm almost to that generation.)
  14. Shintoga

    Shintoga Student of Simlish

    I managed to get onto my 6th generation yesterday, with the birth of (yet another boy!! If I'd had a girl baby, I would have fallen off my chair in shock!) Tanjure Wilkie. My family traces their humble roots back to Celtica Carr (nee Rever) and Joe Carr. I started playing them again the other day when I sent Jaipur to Uni - with his great grandfather's brother!:eek: It was so weird having my second-youngest Sim at Uni with one who was meant to be in the netherworld:rolleyes:. So now I am slowly letting the older generations die out. It was Celtica's turn yesterday; I may have to arrange a little 'accident' for Joe and London...
    The pic is of Celtica's final resting place.

    Attached Files:

  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oooh, how pretty.

    And escape proof. :p
  16. Shintoga

    Shintoga Student of Simlish

    That was the main idea - I'm fed up of ghosts stealing all the fridge contents :rolleyes: !
  17. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Beautiful grave!!! What a great idea!!!
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL That gives me an idea .... [to be edited when I've done the necessary] :rolleyes:
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ghosts steal from the fridge? The most mine ever did was cause things to float and scare the *** out of people. And I had the puddles to prove it. :D
  20. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    Ghosts of Sims who died of starvation do.

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