
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Toxic, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. Toxic

    Toxic New Member


    What difference do the grades make?
    I only try to keep them high enough to actually keep the kids, since it doesn't seem like it actually matters except for that.
  2. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    are you talking about grades in uni? or grade for kids and teenagers.

    If teens have good grades it can get them certain scholarships to uni. And for kids if you have high grade you can get them into private school.

    And if you are in uni and you get good grades then you can proceed on to the next semester without repeating
  3. Toxic

    Toxic New Member

    So, basically, it doesn't REALLY have any effect on anything? I really don't understand the point of trying to get good grades... I think the grades should affect which kinda job you should be able to get.
  4. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    well if you want to get ahead in uni you need OK grades. But i guess if you are not to fussed on schooling then good grades arent needed :p You sometimes get money bonus's for teens, like you teen sim might win in a spelling bee or something like that. So there are benefits of good grades. Also your sims may get taken by the social worker if their grades are VERY poor. :eek:
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    It's a shame really that Maxis missed an opportunity with University. Getting good grades is too easy and worse a sim can get top honours with hardly any skill points.

    I suggest that they could have done the following:
    • Made skill points above the 5th point unnattainable by home study
    • Set a requirement for 2 skills to be raised to 8 points (or one maxed) to gain a college degree
    • made it so that the required skill points are earned at class ... have to attend all the classes (and do the assignments and term papers) to be sure of getting there! As it is I can generally get a 2nd semester freshman ready for the final exam about 12 hours into the term - (write term paper, invite a prof over, do assignment, greet prof, smooze him and ask for tutoring ... it takes a little longer in the senior year and attending at least one class seems to be essential but if the sim has the skill points there is no sweat involved). Thank goodness for Pescado's college clock is what I say ... or failing that, oi Maxis, if you need an ideas person for developing TS3, I'd be a lot cheaper than a lot of geeks who will just follow the line of least resistance and still end up with dog's breakfast
    • Careers could have been re-jigged so that chance cards produce the final skill boost needed for the top of heap career promotion
    I don't actually mind and I won't let it cause me to lose sleep but given the game's inherent complexity (and most of the problems of complexity arise from the games heavy demand on the graphics hardware) I am surpised that Maxis kept to such a simple and formulaic approach to sims careers. Even without any cheats it is just too easy (if a little tedious due to repetitious attention to detail) to fill a neighborhood with sims at the top of their career path and with all, or most, skills maxed out ... I mean ... what are the chances of that?

    Yeah, ok, I'm ramblin' ... time for bed. G'night! :)
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    If you get really bad grades in uni you get held back a semester (put on academic probation, forced to repeat). If you do it too many times (twice? three times? Not sure) you get kicked out.

    And kids do get taken away if they have too many D's and F's, or if they skip school when they have a D.

    So it pays to study. Plus it really helps their happy meters to do well in school.
  7. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Grades for kids have no effect other than that you must maintain at least a C in order to remain in Private School and that they have a want to get an A+.

    Post-NL, achieving an A+ at least once also suppresses the report-card checking when getting off the bus forever.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Not true. I had a kid who was getting D's. I worked hard all weekend to get her grades up where they should be but there was a nanny glitch and the family had to move out that weekend to save the baby from death by nanny.

    When they moved back in the social worker took all the kids because they'd missed school, combined with the poor grades of the one kid.

    I've had other kids with A's and B's accidentally miss school with just a slap on the wrist warning.

    So it does make a difference in that regard.

    I agree with Mirelly. Careers are sooooo boring and it's way too easy to achieve the top. I just had someone reach permaplat, almost accidentally. He's a knowledge sim, he kept wanting to increase his skill levels, and suddenly he was a Mad Scientist.

    I usually avoid permaplat by putting them in the wrong career, just didn't with this particular sim.

    That'll teach me. I find permaplat boring in the extreme. All that's left to do is die.

    P.S. I did have a sim get fired four times from the art career. That was fun. I think we need more hurdles like that ...

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