Greaty computer objects for users to make Could anyone make some different types computers for the sims-maybe a blue computer like the meet marco but called 'Babya B1000'-with different Windows XP like grapghics shown whwn a sims clicks on the 'play' oe option when the B1000 computer object is clicked,and some laptops that resemble the new Apple Powerbok 12" and 17" models (they are in sa silver color) and some 'Tablet Pc's and PDas'. ?
you could say find some xp bluss.bmpwallpaer-copy it, resize-boot-up create a [pucture with t5he text 'babya desktop pc' oin it.
trond has a blue computer i made for him but he hasn't put it on his site yet? heres what it looks like and it's also a super computer :bandit: i'd show u an image but the attechmnet thing doesn't seem to be working
well it all depends when trond decides to upload it? hehe that was made with my old 3d program. imagine what i can make now that i have max 5!
I don't think Trond will be uploading anytime soon blade...he seems sorta spaced out from the community recently
I hope Trond gets to feeling better soon. I really liked him the couple of times I ran into him around here!
Oh it's just them morons at TSR forums starting trouble again. hehehe i might have to infiltrate them again soon and start some of MY OWN trouble