Has anyone else.... Have any of you had babies born with strange markings on their faces. third eye, radioactive warnings and so forth? the marks seem to go away when they become toddlers but are very disconcerting. and do they mean anything significant about that particular sim?
LOL Michelle. Sounds like you have the same problem as wot I've got ... only different The other day I performed a general PC spruce up and since then whenever a sim does a leap into the air (to twirl into no clothes before getting in the shower) the game hangs up for 20-50 seconds before the sim changes into nakedness that consists of a black, white ... or (disturbingly) a black & white checkerboard skin (and we're talking about from the neck down here! So far I have tried rolling back my display driver (last major change). Removed all downloads. Removed all hacks. Removed all saved games ... even the Goths were subject to the dreaded chessboard body disease. Unistalled and reinstalled the game ... still got it. I'm beat now. Depressed and tired out and going to bed. I am going to pull a side table over after I get in, so if you don't hear from me again I'll be sitting up in my bed every few minutes and shouting meaningless oaths at the spider who lives in the corner over my dresser. :(
Yes, happens quite often to me, depends on what custom skin the sim is using, if I use a particular one that I have downloaded, and the baby is born using the custom skin, then it always looks funny. But mine too goes normal once the baby grows to a toddler. No idea about Mirellys problem though...Anyone for a game of checkers?
Here's a wild guess, because I haven't had this problem, but I HAVE made a couple custom skin tones... Would this problem come about if the adult sim was created using a custom skin tone, but the creator didn't include skins for the babies/toddlers? Maybe the "checkerboard" is some kind of placeholder meaning that the game couldn't find the files needed? Dunno, just a guess. =)
When you create a skin, all the body types and each stage of life is normal, My best guess is someone is doing it on purpose and is trying to mess with your head. But maybe its just a logo to tell its theirs and noone can steal it, >_<
No, I have seen custom skins that look normal for the adult stages, but changes the infants!! The skins I saw put clothing and patterned diaper covers on the babies. I didn't save the site because it was a pay site, but I did look around. (and cured the fact that it was pay, because I so hate to see little infants dressed only in their diapers with no blankets, no sleepers, no NOTHING!! They look cold to me. And then their parents lay those poor little things on the cold floors. . . grrrr!! okay, off rant) The directions for the skins said to create the parents with the custom skin-tones. When they bred, the babies would be born wearing clothes. So, maybe you have downloaded some strange skins that put those in there as a surprise???
it actually seems to happen more in area 51 than elsewhere. but I'm working on a romance in pleasantville so if and when these 2 have a kiddo (he's an import) I'll post the results here.