help - i want to get engaged i need - some help - ive got 2 adult sims each with a house and job of their own - they have been dating for ages and have full relationships both daily and lifetime - the game wont give me the option to move in or propose - ive tried everything and nothing works - when they dine out on nightlife there are no options available while dining - normally you get pics of a chair next to what can be done while dining?ive had the option to propose to stay the night quite a few times and done it - but still no engagment or move in option - any ideas???????
First, check if the two sims have the same age. A teen cannot get married to an adult, UNLESS the younger teen knows the older sim from maybe university, had a relationship there, and then the older sim asked the younger sim to get married. Then the younger sim will "grow up" to be an adult instantly. Other than that, I dont know why it shouldnt happen
still need help both sims are adult - ive got a feeling its the game doing something dodgy if anyone else has any ideas let me kmow i had the aging off but ive out it back on and it hasnt made any difference!
Just a point of etiquette: Please don't double-post. You asked this same question in a different thread, which has also been replied to. Don't worry about having more than one topic. We tend to meander around a subject a lot here.
Do you have any hacks or mods in your game? I had downloaded a "Change clothes where you are" hack and I didn't get the Propose-Engagement option. I deleted the hack and it worked fine.
problems w/ getting engaged, moving in, etc I am experiencing the same problem and do not have a lot of the options that you normally would have in Nightlife. I also do not get the options to purchase love potion, etc from the Matchmaker; do not get many of the date options either. Not sure what is going on with the game but am upset that I think I don't have 1/2 the things that are normal on Sims 2....Any help out there??
All I can say is that my interaction options were limited when I first installed Nightlife, and I found out it was because the InSimenator wasn't EP ready. So I unistalled the hack and everything worked fine.
Yep, Dobie, I had the very same problem because I had an incompatable hack when both UNI and NL came out. The easiest thing for me to do is install all my hacks to a subdirectory in the Downloads folder. That way, I can remove all the hacks at once, and then put them in one at a time until I know they work.