Help Me!!!! Okay. In trying to set up a test site with my new PHPNuke website thingy. My FTP uploader won't let me upload the entire contents of the folder, so I have to create a new folder on the server and then do that inside that folder, and so on. THERE ARE TOO MANY FOLDERS!!! :dead: SOmeone Please Help ME!!!! If you have a area for me to upload the stuff to too that would help. It would only have to be there for a few weeks. It has already drove me nuts! lol. *Wanders off talking to self*
well if you are looking to upload pictures and stuff why dont you upload them at a image source such as
its not pictures, its PHP-NUKE, The Worldsims website is an example of PHP nuke. There are a ton of files. Like 100, or more...
So I uploaded the thing with a new FTP program, Now I cant figure out half the stuff I need to do! It just assumes i am running Linux. (Proud Windows user). If someone would be willing to help :(
I wouldn't know where to begin with that, Slim. I had a geocities website once, and they closed it for non-use. All my genalogical files were uploaded to it. Now pictures of my great-great grandparents are gone. I haven't bothered with web design since. I'm happier just being a moderator.
GRRRR! Stupid temp host, I cant run PHP Nuke without paying for MY SQL support on my website . *Cries*
Um ... without wishing to sound unsympathetic (I'm being serious here BTW) didn't you ever hear the adage concerning stuff that you don't have to pay for? TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) ... or free web-hosting. Even when you think you've found the holy grail it'll only go and evaporate before your eyes like an Arabian Nights djinn ... or even like an al qaeda suspect in the Kyber pass.