Help Naming My SIms!!!!!!!!! I have a last name, but i don't know what first names to put with it!! help!!!!! Last Name: Baker Mom: Dad: Teen Girl: Teen Boy Boy: Kid Girl: Kid Boy: Toddler Girl: Toddler GIrl: (i think i have a lot of names....) Female Names Dakota Elle Sydney Autmn Hunter Ava Blair Rayne Riely Paris Charlene Vannessa Rory Cameron Alyssa Hope Cheyenne Gem Toni Celeste Danni Lexi Tiffany Heaven Claire Memory Alena Nikki Erica Gemma Rose Lana Candy Manda Hadley Chloe Morgan Emma Grace Jasmine Katherine Savannah Leah Ella Donna Carol Lynetta Juliana Brenna Janessa Male Names Jake Zach Scott Branden Kegan Aaron Conner Corey Brayden Austin Hunter Luke Tyler Lucas Trent Tristan Shea Robbie Jessie Josh Kyle Elijah Jason Eric Mason Adam Evan Steven Cole Blake Jaden Paul Brian James Mark Bryce Could you just pick names and put them with the ages (ie: teen girl) THANKS SOOOOO MUCH!! livi
I love Dakota, Autumn, Rayne, and Cheyenne for girls names but I wouldn't know which ages to pick for them. I like Conner, Hunter, Trent, and Jaden for boys names. Again not sure which ages would go with the names. I know these don't match up quite right with your family but those were the names I liked most from your list to go together. Maybe try to make up what kind of personality your family has, are they rich and stuck up? Are they poor and friendly? Was their grandma a hippie named Moondrop? All these things can affect how a family names their kids.
Dakota is my brothers name but who cares..........? Any ways this should be easy for me because alot of kids live in my neighboorhood that are many different ages . Wait how many kids do you want? Dakota: Female; Age: 15 Autumn: Female; Age: 9 Rayne: Female; Age: 12 Cheyenne: Female; Age: 18 ( thats my cats name, but once again who cares? Conner: Male; Age:11 Hunter: Male; Age:5 Trent: Male; Age:17 Jaden: Male; Age:13 (Jadyn is also my neighboors name but she is a female and it is spelt differently!)
Oh sorry i didnt see you post completely,livi. okay here we go again: Trent & Rayne: Parents Dakota & Conner: Teens Cheyenne & Jaden: Kids Autumn & Lexi: Toddlers
Livi, I was looking through the list again and i saw my name , Shea, I just thought that was cool!! And now you probably think I am Crazy!!!!! :silly:
Last Name: Baker Mom: Tierrd Dad: Bizzy Teen Girl: Cookie Teen Boy: Cutter Kid Girl: Muffin Kid Boy: Crisco Toddler Girl:Sugar Toddler Girl: Spice Sorry I know you are serious.......