HELP!!!PLEASE? My game keeps crashing. Brings me back to Desktop

Discussion in 'The Sims 1' started by squeakylips, Apr 1, 2003.


Do you crash while playing Unleashed?

Poll closed Apr 4, 2003.
  1. Most of the Time

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  2. Sometimes

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  3. Not so often

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  4. Never

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  1. squeakylips

    squeakylips New Member

    HELP!!!PLEASE? My game keeps crashing. Brings me back to Desktop

    Was wondering if anyone can help me with this. As I am playing the Uleashed, every time and again the game crashes and brings me back to my desktop. I have run FileCop, Rambooster and other programs to free-up and discard junk. I have no idea why this keeps happening to me and it's driving me "mad". Does this happen to anyone else? Any ideas on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
  2. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Hey Squeaky, welcome to Worlds. I need to know the system specs of your computer. This is the most important bits of info needed to figure out crashes. Also, what all expansions do you have? I know from you running file cop that you have downloaded things in the game.

    To give you an example, this is what I have and no crashes:
    1.6ghz pent4 with 640ram; windows98se; 40gig harddrive space
    I have all the expansions and thousands of downloads added to my game. My game with everything takes up 5gigs on my compter.
  3. squeakylips

    squeakylips New Member

    in reply to my help

    I have Pent. 3, Ram cap. of 256, 800 Mega hz., if it helps. WINDOWS xp
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Have you added any user-created contents? That means you've downloaded something off the internet and into your game.
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I had that happen a couple of times, I have all the expansions, no user created objects, just a few user skins, and running windows XP Pro. I rebooted my computer and that seemed to help, I got it to work again after that. You might try defraging too if rebooting doesn't help. I'm not sure WHY it's doing that!
  6. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    its the user skins..try removing them and starting a new neighbourhood

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