Help My cousin deleted all of the skins tones in Bodyshop except for the medium one. I tried uninstalling it then downloading it again but the skin tones were still missing. THen I found out that it was downloaded to my harddrive. I delted it from there and reinstalled it again to no avail. How can I get the skin tones back without creating them? Thanks for all who can help.
Is it possible for you to browse through the Recycle Bin on your Desktop? If that hasn't been emptied (and you have it) you may be able to find the deleted files there.
Uninstall Body shop goto start > regedit Search for any reference to BodyShop from Maxis and delete it Be sure to also go back in, and delete the original bodyshop folder too as well.
I tried that and it worked!! All of the skin tones are back and so are all of the clothes and anything else that I was missing. I must have missed a file or something but I did a computer search and found it and deleted it then i reinstalled it and now it works like a charm! Thank you!