Here's to waiting, a new movie! Here's to waiting for a great game my friends! -- Small movie! Hey guys ;-) Wow what a year it has been huh? And by year I mean the year we've been waiting for TS2. In honor of the wait, and the fans who've waited and waited, and posted on this part of the BBS like crazies :-P this whole time, I make this little movie. It shows some of the biggest highlights of the wait, or at least they were in my opinion. It's like a small timeline, something to reflect on now that the waiting is pretty much over. So I hope you enjoy! You can find it here: Special thanks to ManagerJosh for hosting my movie So, opinions? Anything I should have added? If so, let's here them! ~Peter "TheSidDog"
Awww I want to see it. Its driving me crazy! Perhaps it could be put up as an attachement or something. Cause i dont have Mozilla or something. Browser is like netscape or explorer right.
while i saw it before and frankly wasnt impressed by it, i tried it now and it doesnt work. i even tried copying the link and trying to play it in windows media player, but it just refused to play.
I managed to watch it using the save target as. which for some reason i only used now. Even though it was already suggested. Anyways, i felt it a fitting tribute to the Sims 2!
well, like i said above, i wasnt too impressed. it couldve been done better. but of course, ive got a slightly higher standard as far as homemade videos are concerned. for example, this is one of my recently made videos geared towards a game ive been playing while waiting for the sims 2 (called Midtown Madness 2
is the whole game about bus racing? cause thats what it looked like. But thats neato! Cudos to a well-made video.
no. its an all around driving game. and one thing that sets it apart from many other driving racing games is its based off of 2 real cities (San Francisco and London) and with that the 2 cities are fully driveable. but, a big group of people who still play mm2 to this day play nothing but the Cops and Robbers Mode (get to the gold wherever it is in the city and deliver it to the hideout. if someone else has it which is no on your team, knock it off of them, grab it, and take it to your hideout) with the City Busses. im one of them. if you wanna try it, id grab the demo. of course, the full game shouldnt be hard to get. its been out for a while now (2000 made game) and should be cheap. anyways, back OT.
mm2 is more a driving game than racing. believe me, i like both nascar and need for speed. ive had nascar thunder 2004 for a while now and just recently got need for speed hot pursuit 2. both i love to play as often as i can, but mm2 is different as its a driving game. and like i said, its based off the 2 cities. they are fully driveable in pretty much all modes, just in every one but cruise its recommended to stay close to your goal.