hiya hiya hey every 1 and phillip theres not many peeps on ere is thetre lol! i want more mates im new ere lol luv pennyx
Hi D.jbabe. I wonder would bit of England you come from? I'll bet it is London, isn't it? Most of the population live there, thank goodness. I did once upon a time. What are your interests in life? I am not interested in your age (although I have an opinion about that), or sex or anything at all. I am only interested in what you are like. Do you think the same way as I do (I doubt it - I don't think anyone does).
You have a Scottish accent? The sky control room (one of the three, I believe) is based in Dumfermline. But you can't live there - I am sure you said you live in England, and that is not Scotland. Preston?
I am surprised that Iworley is resident here, in the U.K. I wasn't thinking of you when I asked whether you had a Scottish accent. Do you, Mr. Worley (or state your preferred title, short of your Majesty).