How do I get the "A?" Hi folks, I am baffled by my teens in TS2U. Well.. more specifically, the Board of Education. I send this one sim in a great mood every morning--one that only Platinum could top. She always has her homework done--what more can I do? Oh, and if aspiration matters, she's borderline red. I really don't want her to have that MP3 player or handheld game... too distracting.
Yeah, I was as a matter of fact. The odd thing is, though, that they improved from a C+ to a B+ with aging on... I'll try it with aging off and see how that works. Thanks for the tip!
You have to fulfill their wants. If all they want is the handheld and won't change their minds, you need to get them the handheld. Otherwise they'll just stay in the red and their grades will not improve. I had a money Sim who wanted to get into private school and got rejected twice (still working on how to butter up that guy). I had to buy her all sorts of things to get her back in the happy.
i find my sims can never make it to 'A' even if they do there homework and go to school in a really happy mood. i find the only way to go over 'B' is to study at least twice a day. i've done it with all sims i want to get a good job with and they always get 'A'. you get aspiration and you sometimes get bonus money!
If you don't like the annoying handheld obsession or any of that other crap, try checking the stuff out on my site:
I've never had a problem getting A's, make sure homework is done, do assignments(on the computer, under college), check they have the required skills, and make sure your sim is in a good mood. I have found that the more skills they have, the easier it is to get better grades, but that could be just me.
I have found that the skill's are the most important for a better grade. If the skill is fullfilled, then there is a higher level for a better grade. The skills have a big impact on grades!!
Kids grades do not depend on skills. If they get to school every day and do almost all their homework they never get less than A+ I send mine to school hungry cos school lunches are free and very filling ... why waste valuable simoleons paying to fill up the fridge with expensive food when kids get fed at school 5 days out of 7? Ah but! I'm a terrible sim mother.
Hardly. It teaches the kids the valuable virtue of thrift, a skill that serves them well in their adult lives when they mooch off the office food! I do this too. In fact, I have it down to an art form. Ain't nothin' better than something free.
The children or teenagers may also need to learn how to study if they have not already learnt that from one of their parents or other relatives. Best regards, Boerge
It's only with aging on that the grades can improve. If the aging is on, I have no clue why your precollege age kids would have trouble getting the grades. Unlike college, they have no overall meter to fill in order to get a certain grade. If they have all homework done, don't miss the schoolbus and are in a good mood when they leave for school, then they should eventually get an A+. (It does work up slowly however.) If all else fails (and you're not doing a legacy challenge), there's always Merola64's MultiPainting: Merola's Multipainting
Making the Dean's List In The University I had some problems with this concept at 1st. Your college students must spend time learning skills. As they learn a skill point, their "grade meter" (Not the real name, just my own name I gave it) has a higher level in which it is POSSIBLE to make a higher grade. Your sim must then complete the tasks that give higher grades, i.e. going to class, doing assignments, working on term papers, researching, and befriending the professors. For example: Sally Sim is starting her junior year. She needs three skill points: one is mechanical, one in cooking, and one is logic. The grade meter has a low level that, even if she does everything possible to make an A, will only allow her to make a D or so. So 1st Sally has to work on earning her skill points. Once she earns all three of them, the grade meter will be open. Then send Sally to class, have her do group research (which also helps build relationships), and maybe influence someone to do her term paper. She should get the A. Then again, there's always cheats like Merola's Painting that fill up your Sim's skill levels.