How Do I Make My Own Stuff With Body Shop? Hi, Im really new, so sorry if i posted this in the wrong thread . Im getting really bored of the same clothes, Hair, ect. I've tried downloading some and a lot of them dont work for some reason. I've looked in only a few threads and I noticed you make your own. I knew this was possible but I never knew how(and still don't) If anyone could explain it to me, i'd be very grateful. I have adobe photoshop, and Sims bodyshop. Thanks.
Molly, dear. We all know this is the "How Do I?" so questions that are simply titled "How do I..." look kinda dumb and don't attract attention (at least of the sort you want) ... so I edited your title to help it mean something and to attract the right sort of attention. Meanwhile .... See the FAQs for advice on how to use the search function ... I believe the search question actually uses the how do I make clothes with body shop? question as its example. You can get to the FAQs from my signature. Welcome by the way and please come back and share your creations and stories with us.