How to throw a party?? Ok second newb question... How do I throw a party? I keep trying but the guests don't show. All of them have been disasters.
if your parties a bust, most likely they won't show up. You need to consistently make your parties a success for them to return.
All of mine have been disasters too. What are some good tips for throwing a successful party? I always invite as many people as it lets me, put up decorations, play music, put out food, hire a bartender etc., but they always go bad. What else should I do?
I have the same problem.. I invite 8 people, 6 of them show up. I have 2 bars with drinks on, i have that dining table, with turkey served. I have put up decorations like balloons. I have 2 bottle's of champange, i have the 2500 simoleons stereo machine, and i have placed boxes ALL arround the house. I have a hottub, and I have put the cake on the table. My guests are dancing, my guests go in the hottub, i toast with my guests (with the champange bottles), I try to talk as much as I can with my guests, and my parties are STILL a DISASTER. All the party equipment cost me like 10.000-15.000 simoleons. I have thrown 2 parties, and they botch sucked BIG time! Someone knows what to do?
gee, i only ever had one bad party, and it was because ONE guest showed up and it was a child.. because all the other neighbours were at work, what i do it get a gamebox for them to play hottub, a foodtable, balloons, music, get them to dance with the guests alot, if they are dancing wityh other household members it counts for nothing... and genrally make them talk and make sure EVERYONE gets along at the party!!!
I guess the focus of throwing a successful party would be to take care of all your guests needs? I'm not sure how to do this either though... I threw a party, made food, turned on the tv and sterio so there would be entertainment, everyone was dancing or eating or watching tv or talking with each other... but still my party failed. I guess maybe my sim needs to be richer and buy the party games and decorations?