I can't get bitten! So, my sim has tried everything I can think of to get himself bitten by the Countess. He bought love potions, changed his appearance, asked her on dates, told her so many jokes I thought I'd explode ... nothing. So, it occurred to me: He's still in college. Can college students become vampires? Is that my problem, or is he just destined to be fangless? Thanks for any help you can give.
Talking about Spike from your story thread? I have yet to attempt to get bitten. I'm just below befriending a Countess currently. Haven't followed through yet though. I'm not sure who I want to become one. So, I can't be of any assitance and I'm wasting time . . .
Yes, though I'm spinning the story as if she was stalking him. I have a plan, an evil plan ... bwah hah hah hah ... but I can't carry through if the vampire won't bite. I may have to try another tack, but if it's because he's a college student that would be helpful to know.
Answered my own question. Looked it up on the official site. Yes, college students can be vampires. The Countess is just being a pain in the neck.
LOL. Too true. Guess I blew my secret plan. Oh, well. Time to get someone else bitten instead, methinks. Someone the vampires might like ...
I had someone else use their influence points to make the countess bite the teen I wanted to become a vamp...try that; it worked for me.
Use another controllable Sim to Influence the Countess. There should be a 'Neck Bite...' option, where you can choose a Sim on the lot to get bitten; I got my Sim's child to do that (to his own mother! ). I've only done it once and it seems a little hit and miss; it seems if the vampire gets "distracted" or something/someone gets in the way (as they do in the Sim world), the command is "lost" and you have to do it again until it works. At least, that's what I found.
When all else fails, cheat! I went into SimsPE and made my sim best friends with the countess. Then I had him invite her over, give her a flirt, and soon they were happy Woo Hooin' Vampires.
So the vampire only bites your sim of they're in a romantic relationship? Or can they just be best friends? Good to know all this before I get Nightlife..
They can be best friends. I've never tried it with a romantic relationship, but that seems to work too!
I managed to make a vampire, but now I'm finding I hate playing vampires. Maybe I just need to get good at it, but I can't get the vamp to sleep all day and needs get depleted pretty quickly in the daytime, even indoors with the windows removed. Of course, I haven't tried meditation yet. I'm thinking that might help. That, and an energizer, would go a long way I would think. I like that needs don't deplete at all after sundown, but I don't see how a vamp can do well in college or even get a job, since shifts change. I'm beginning to loathe money trees. I'd hate for them to become a necessity ... I tried having my vamp go on a date, which worked great until I lost track of the time. Amazing how quickly the vampire's needs went down again while they were being fried by the sun! I'm wondering if two vampires, living together, might not be happier. Someone to spend time with might help? Dunno. Going to ponder it. Anyway, read my story if you wanna know who got bit ...
I've figured out how to play vampires, and now that I have it's a lot more fun. Rule #1: Never let them out of their coffins during the day, unless there's somewhere they absolutely have to be. (Final exam, important day at work ... ) Rule #2: Always have an energizer machine. If they have to go out this is the fastest way to restore them once the sun goes down. Don't even bother using it during the day. Rule #3: Keep 'em happy at night. You can stretch the night by going to a community lot until 6, coming home, and then go out again. If a vamp lives alone they can't call anyone after 2, but if they have roomies they can go out at least three times. They never get tired, never need to eat, the night is theirs ... I have noticed two interesting social interactions. If a vamp arrives at your property you can immediately attack them. My vamp has also been attacked by people he invited to his lot. The other thing is, you can cause accidents in others by "blah-ing" them. It's like they saw a ghost. Too funny.
I'm anxious for one of my Sims to become a vampire. I just finally got my favorite male sim abducted and impregnated. I'm not sure which one I'll use for a vampire though . . . only time will tell!!
Me, I haven't had one abduction that wasn't set up by the game. I finally got to witness one when I played the Curious brothers in Strangetown ... but that's kind of cheating as I think they primed them for that. Two alien babies in one household ... both normal looking. But that was before the reload. I hope to get someone abducted someday. In the meantime I'm enjoying the vamps.
Yes, especially if it was green. I don't know if aliens get any other bonuses other than green skin. I played the alien twins in Strangetown and they seemed pretty normal to me, other than the no pupils/green skin thing.
Oooh, funny guy, huh? You're saying they should lay off the lime-smeared prawns? BTW, my town is crawling with vampires now. At last count: The Countess turned Heather, who turned Spike, Tiffany and Joshua. Joshua collapsed in a burbling heap so Ashley (in perhaps the first kind gesture of his entire existence) bought him some Vamp-D. Spike turned Heidi G., a random dormie he dated once, into a vamp. Hey, she wanted it. And of course he turned London, his main squeeze. Tiffany turned Brittany. So, that makes 6 vampires (not including the Count and Countess) and one ex-vampire. Bwah hah hah hah ... Zaire and her fiance, Castor Nova, keep rolling that want but I won't let them, so there. Knowledge sims. Go figyah.