I Love The Sims!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by lil_cutie_0203, Dec 11, 2003.


what r u most looking forward to in the sims?

  1. the aging process

    10 vote(s)
  2. more 3D

    3 vote(s)
  3. to zoom closer

    0 vote(s)
  1. lil_cutie_0203

    lil_cutie_0203 New Member

    I Love The Sims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    to me the sims is the most awsome game of all time i cant wait till the sims 2 comes out i heard like 4 diff dates i heard feb. 4th feb 14th march 15th and march 25th who cares the game is coming out I CANT WAIT NO MORE....anyways i was thinking when the sims 2 comes out are you like able to turn off the aging process so you can have only a todler for like the rest of the game or does the lil kid have to grow up more. anyways plz plz plz do tell when is to happen.....

    REDXIII New Member

    hmm can't tell whats better....3D or aging....i'll do with aging
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    That's a good question about the toddlers if you've got the aging process feature turned off... maybe babies grow to toddlers and then to children and stop aging there? That would be bad if you turned off the aging and then your sims babies stayed babies constantly! :eek:
  4. lil_cutie_0203

    lil_cutie_0203 New Member

    well i think it would be cool to have like a 2 year old sim for a while then turn it back on and have the kid grow more instead of having the todler for only 3 or 4 sim days at a time but if you turn it off you be able to have a todler for how ever long you want or a teen for how ever long you want....ya see what i mean?

  5. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

    It says in the script of the chat that babies will automatically turn intotoddlers regardless of what you do. I imagine they don't have much in the way of interactions apart from "Feed" "Feed again" "This one's gonna be fat!" "Oh for the love of god, hurry up and change the diaper!"


    I hate spelling mistakes. I'm being blinded here by a light outside, so at least i have an excuse this time.

    [Hyrune: Please try not to double post - if you feel like adding something that you forgot please use the 'edit' button. Thanks. :)]
  6. lil_cutie_0203

    lil_cutie_0203 New Member

    lol yeah thats funny but baby's in TS2 have more interactions and so do todlers like in this one pic the mother was carrying her baby outside
  7. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Being able to do more with babies and not just stuck by the side of their crib feeding/playing/singing will be great! I wonder if you can have the mother sit down with the baby to give them a bottle....

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